The Mission

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Queen Dayane sent the Weird Travelers on a mission of exploring the Polly Island

There was 4 travelers, Leader Larissa, Cockroache Emanuelly, Beetle Lara and Rat Julia (yes I know the names are very strange, that's the reason I named "Weird Travelers")

The Polly Island were very big and a little dangerous too, but nothing the Travelers would fear

" We're already here, let's go travelers!"
"Yes leader Larissa!!" They begin to explore the Islandand after 3 hours of walking they find a desert

"Wooaahh, that's so much sand!" Says Emanuelly. "Very much." Says Larissa.

"We are going to eehh walk in the sand till we get to the other side?" Says Julia. "Eeyuup!" Answers Larissa.

"But sister Lari- leader Larissa, we are gonna die from the hot weather!" Says in panic Lara. "No silly we are gonna wait till night" Larissa said with a Smirk

"Let's go find a lake, I need some water to refresh myself"

Night time 🤪

"Let's go Girls!"Larissa tries to cheer up the Travelers. " "ye let's go!!" Said Julia.

Then the four Travelers  decided to  walk in the cold sand (noticing how serious I'm being, lol)

One hour of walking "leader Larissa I'm thirsty." Says Lara "here, get this bottle of water"

Some minutes later, Larissa sees a camel (yeah in the night) "guys let's kindly ask it for help" Larissa whispers "good idea" Emanuelly whispers.

"Psst, hey cool camel, come here" the camel stare at Larissa for some seconds before walking closer to her

"Can you please help us get to the other side of the desert? Our Queen sent us on a mission"

"Can you please help us get to the other side of the desert? Our Queen sent us on a mission"

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The camel nods "thank you sir"

After some 3h they get to the other side of the desert

"Thank you Camel, I appreciate your help"

"My name is Lucas." "WHAT THE HELL!!" The camel runs away

"Anyways, we should take a rest" "yeah" "yup" "I agree" so they all went to sleep

End of the chapter
329 words.

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