forget the names.

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(I regret naming the characters, please just forget.)

So then they see a very green Forest, almost an "Amazônia" like we brazilians call

"God damnit that's so much green" Emanuelly speaks in surprise. "I agree, it will take one or two days to uuhh... Reach the other side" Larissa tries to guess how many days it would take

"I don't feel so determined to go through this forest" Lara confessed. "These trees are huge,but I have an idea." Larissa begin to think how they would use the trees.

"Wait you're talking about...climbing?" Julia seemed quite scared of climbing the tree. "Yep and even if I know you're scared as hell, we have to do this." With a little cringe smirk on her face Larissa was thinking where to get something as a rope

In the way to get some materials she found a lake."oh thanks God I found a lake" then she sprints to the other girls "Ayo guys I found a lake!" she screams."wait are u serious?" Emanuelly asks her not believing even if they're in a freaking forest

"Obviously yeah Emanuel." Larissa responded her. "Don't call me Emanuel!" They both laugh at the name Emanuel.

So then Larissa leads them all to the lake "yay water! Can we drink it now?" Lara asks. "Nuh uh" Larissa replied "we should filtrate it first, and then boil it up" luckily Larissa knew how to stay alive in a forest with just a lake and some supplies

"But that would take so loong" Julia speaks with a frown on her face. "Yeah but that seems more secure" Emanuelly honestly reply to Julia

Then Larissa just pulls up with a pan  and a cloth, and then fills up a massive cup with the water. "Where the hell did you get that?" Emanuelly asks with a curious look on her face. "In my giant backpack obviously" Larissa mocks

Emanuelly rolls her eyes. After the filtration, Larissa boil the water. "This time I want you you you you"Larissa begin to sing. "what?" Julia asks in confusion. "Nothing."

It was night, Larissa waits for everyone to sleep,and then randomly pulls a mini refrigerator. "Muhehehehehehehehe" then she gives a diabolical grin

She then fills a bottle with the water she filtrate. "Nobody's gonna know."


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