Climbing to the top ☝

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Five in the morning, there was her... The most wild animal in the word

Larissa in the worst hour possible, 5 in the morning. And you ask yourself: The hell is that girl doing this early?

Pissing? Nah, crafting a damn rope... But at least it has to work, right? "If this doesn't work we are dead. Literally"

If you're asking yourself, if it isn't clearly  she is basically the protagonist, me. And she is the oldest girl in the squad

(I run out of ideas wait until I  edit this chapter with more ideas. ^u^)

(Yay I'm back :b)

"Larissa what are you doing" Lara asked
"Rope." She answered.
"Ohhh" as Lara made that sound,Larissa had finished the rope.

"Let's go, I'm quite scared but we shall do this." she was very scared. "You're saying that now?" Julia spoke.

"Yeah, just now?" Emanuelly agreed.
"Shut up" Larissa was quite annoyed

"Let's go climb that sh*t" She said.
"That's bad, very bad"

(Lemme sleep 😴💤)

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