The Runaway

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Hello!!! This chaper is interesting. Leace your thoughts more coming tomarrow. Check out my other story. #needtoupdate!!

Sorry this one is short. But it is incredibly necessary!


He left me staring at the wall debating if i actually love him. See you maybe confused but let me explain.

I ranaway from home when i was 13 i met him at 14 and moved in at 15 1/2. Now i ran away because of my parents. They wouldnt accept me being bisexual. I became super depressed and it wasnt good for me. I ran away to my bestfriends house, kirsta. I told my parents I was fine and stuff a few months after, they didnt care! Then I met him. ♡

So thats my story. I love him. Im 16 now and we have been together for 6 months. I pick up my phone and dial krista's number.

"Hello?" She answers. She sounds busy...

"Hey. Just seeing how your doing!" I relply.

"Oh im good. Can i call you back?" She studders in a way. Then i heard someone who sounded fimiliar. Was that...

"Yea," i sigh. What was she doing? ,"i have things to do. So bye. See ya" i hung up.


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