Episode 1

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First Love

One day Yeonjun was in class when the teacher introduces a new transfer student. "Please introduce yourself" the teacher said. "Hello everyone my name is Choi beomgyu and i am 18 years old" When Beomgyu was done introducing himself the students in the classroom was fascinated at his beauty so the other students tried to get the teacher's attention to get Beomgyu to sit beside them. "QUIET" the teacher shouted. "Beomgyu please sit beside Yeonjun. Yeonjun please raise your hand." Yeonjun of course raises his hand and Beomgyu sit besides him.

At the end of the class it was time for lunch and some students go to the cafeteria but most of the students wanted to talk with Beomgyu. Yeonjun on the other hand was struggling to breathe because of the students squeezing him. Beomgyu noticed this and quickly decides to help. "Hey guys can you stop? He's suffocating because of you guys." Beomgyu said and helps Yeonjun out. "thanks" "your welcome" "Yeonjun by the way if you don't remember." "Yeah im Beomgyu just in case you also forgot." Both of them chuckled and go to the cafeteria to not get suffocated again. "So your 18 years old?" Yeonjun asked. "yes i am what about you?" im 19" "oh i should called hyung from now on then" "yeah" they talked for a while when finally the bell ringed and the students walked back to their classrooms.

Yeonjun and Beomgyu got along pretty fast. They were already close to each other when they talked at lunch. Anyways Yeonjun's class was arts and the same for Beomgyu. They made their way to the art class and started to learn the lesson. After for a while the art teacher said that they have to draw and paint portraits of each other and they can pick who ever their model is. And of course a lot of students run to Beomgyu to be their model. Mean while Yeonjun was thinking of what his going to pick he thinked about being the model or the artist but then. "Yeonjunnie hyung!" Beomgyu called out his name. "hm?" "Can you be my model?" "m-model?" Yeonjun blushed a little while Beomgyu nodded and waited for an answer. "okay then..." Yeonjun said and went to sit on a bench. "What pose do you what me to do?" "Just do anything" "okay" Yeonjun picked up a flower and posed with it. On the other hand the other students that wanted Beomgyu to be their model were sad and disappointed. As times went by Beomgyu was done painting and his painting was mesmerizing. Beomgyu painted every detail on Yeonjun's face and body. When Yeonjun comes to see it he was just standing frozen. Yeonjun was really shocked at how beautiful Beomgyu's painting was.

After all of the class was over the teacher calls Beomgyu to the office. At the office the teacher said that his room was on the second floor number 21 and with that done Beomgyu goes to the room and knocked on the door. Then surprisingly he saw Yeonjun. "Yeonjunnie hyung?" "oh your my roommate?" Yeonjun asked. "yeah" Yeonjun lets Beomgyu in and calls Soobin to meet him "Oh so your our new roommate?" "yes i am it's nice to meet you" Both of them introduced to each other. with that Yeonjun decides to help Beomgyu with his things. "Thanks" Beomgyu said "your welcome as always."

Time skip

The next day Beomgyu was woked up by Yeonjun because of breakfast. They all eat together and Beomgyu already showered. They got to school and as expected a lot of girls ran towards Beomgyu. Yeonjun was really annoyed by it so Yeonjun dragged Beomgyu out of the hallway on the way to the restroom.

"Beomgyu can you just not be too pretty?" "Huh?" "Yes can you just not be pretty? Because your making me suffer from your prettyness." "How am I making you suffer?" "Well I'm always here with you and those fangirls and boys are literally following you everywhere." "Well you should get away from me then." "No I can't do that"
"And why is that?" "Uh-uhm because I'm your friend." "And friends don't always stick together don't they?" Beomgyu said leaving Yeonjun silent or should I say flustered?

That's it for episode 1. I hoped you enjoyed it. Also this is my first ever story so please correct me if my English is wrong.

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