Chapter 12: Alessandra Silva

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Ali stepped inside the Training Center and walked past a lanky middle-aged man who was talking to the receptionist AI.

"Silva, good. You're on time. And Parnell, glad you're still here," announced Kouri as she entered the room. The man she called Parnell turned around and gave Ali an awkward nod.

"Hi Kouri," Ali said. "I'm Ali," she said to the man.

"Damien Parnell," he responded."

"We don't have time for small talk so let's just get started," Kouri interjected. "You two will have plenty of time to get to know each other in the crash course we've put together for you. We've eliminated almost all the theoretical training and condensed the practical into a single week. I think it's insanity, personally, but the powers that be have decided that the two of you must be on the next convoy out and refused to consider any perfectly reasonable alternatives I offered. I don't know if that's good or bad news for you two considering what you'll be going through. You'll need to be on a special drug cocktail just to keep up with the training load. Any questions so far?"

It looked like Damien wanted to say something but Kouri jumped in first saying, "Let's get those new suits of yours fitted, shall we? This way."

Ali and Damien followed Kouri down the narrow passageway and were split up into what must have been the fitting rooms. They had the typical oval door, not much larger than the scanning room with the friendly AI that she had been in in a couple of days earlier.

"So here's the deal," Kouri said. "I don't know how you are for modesty, but these suits can be frustrating to put on by yourself the first few times. And if you don't get it around your privates or armpits just right, you're going to get some nasty vacuum hickeys when we suck the air out of here."

"Wait, are you going to put me into a vacuum right now?" asked Ali. She had full faith in Kouri in these matters but didn't trust herself in the slightest.

"You don't want to get a brand new vac suit without testing it, trust me. Besides, it's mandatory for your Vacuum Ops certification," said Kouri. "So, what is it going to be?"

"I'm not sure what the choice is here," replied Ali.

"Ah, I'm sorry," said Kouri, relaxing her face ever so slightly. "I deal with a lot of hot shots here that think they can manage these on their own because they've used pressure suits before. I'm just checking that you want my help getting it on."

"Kouri," said Ali gently, "of course I want your help. I have no idea what I'm doing, not with this or any of it."

"I'm glad. It's less painful this way," said Kouri, apparently relieved. "Okay, so it's basically like a tight jumpsuit, one that's a bit too heavy for comfort and doesn't have much give."

"You make it sound so inviting," teased Ali.

"You think this sounds bad, you should have seen the kinds of monstrosities we were still using ten years ago. Now take your clothes off."

"Are you always so forward with first-timers?" said Ali.

"Only the ones I like," Kouri said with a hint of a grin, her first hint of actual humor.

"Okay, if we close the door?"

"Of course. Parnell, are you going to need any help in there?" Kouri called to the next room over.

"I'm not sure. I think I can manage," he responded.

"Good." Kouri closed the door and Ali proceeded to undress, feeling comfortable and secure in Kouri's presence.

"You have to take off the socks," said Kouri, "The panties too."

With a little reluctance, Ali removed her panties and socks and placed them on top of the stack with the rest of her clothes. Completely naked now, Ali lifted her right leg into the bottom half of the suit that Kouri was holding open for her. It took them a few minutes to get it all the way through and the suit properly adjusted over it.

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