ᯓᝰ.ᐟ once more to see you.

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A fight had broke out. Actually, no, it wasn't a fight- just an innocent 15 YO trying to fight off his gang-involved attackers. "Stop..!" He spoke, desperately trying to claw their hands off of him.

Faye was already bloody. He was covered in his own blood, and the blood of the hands he had been clawing at. "P-Please," He choked out, pleading as loud as he could with a cut up neck and throat.

The people just kept beating at him. Slugging him in the jaw, kicking at his gut- which had already been scarred from an earlier attack, and doing everything they could to guarantee that Faye wouldn't ever forget the encounter.

He tried to squirm, he tried pulling away, but he couldn't get out of their grasp. He eventually stopped trying, just letting them attack him. He couldn't see anymore- blood had poured from his forehead into his eyes. He couldn't move. They had disabled his legs, his arms were limp as they tugged and hit at them. He thought he was going to die there, and he was right.

It hurt so much. He couldn't handle it, he was on the brink of passing out. He was about to fall into a slumber, when just then, he heard a yell. "Faye!!" It was more of a scream- a desperate one.

Opening his blood stained eyes, and turning his head to the side, he saw Timi being held back by another group of gang members. He wanted to call his name, he wanted to tell him to go away. But he couldn't.

"Let go of me!" Timi screamed, desperately trying to pull away from them. They only laughed at the thirteen year old boy's struggles, holding him tighter and yanking him back.

At this point, Timi was sobbing. He was scared- Faye was bleeding more than he was when they first met, and that was.. that was a LOT. This was a whole other level. "Faye!" He screamed out again. "P—Please stay.. awake!"

No response came. Timi tried blinking back his tears, choking back his screams. He was trying to see what was going on clearly, but it was impossible.. until the sound of sirens washed over everyone's ears.

Dropping the two immediately, the gang fled off. It turned out to just be a passing cop car, one who didn't see anything that was happening.. one that wasn't even close to them, but thank God it got them away.

Timi rushed forward, immediately dropping in front of Faye and screaming out his name. He had his eyes shut- They were shut horribly tight. He didn't hear Faye's voice, he didn't feel his heartbeat as he placed his hands on his chest. He didn't want to open his eyes. He didn't want to open his eyes and see his friend dead.

"Faye.." He choked out, sobbing heavily. He shrieked out, grabbing onto his hand tightly. "Faye!" His hand was cold. It was stiff, it wasn't moving whatsoever. Not even twitching.

Faye was gone. His body was cold. "Please..!" He couldn't accept it. Timi couldn't grasp it. His friend was dead. His friend was dead, there was nothing he could do about it.

He reached out, tightly wrapping his arms around the stiff, lifeless body.  It was different than all the other hugs he had given Faye- this time, Faye didn't respond. He didn't cling to him like he usually would have. He just laid there, unresponsive.

To say Timi was sobbing would be an understatement. He was screaming, bawling his eyes out. They were in the middle of nowhere- God, what were they thinking playing around in an abandoned drive in?

They had always ran around there. They had always flown kites, made snowmen, and spun around in that area. Now, the place they had loved through all their years would be a place that Timi could never bring himself to return to.

A stray huntress ran forward at the sound of the child's screams, freezing once she saw what had happened. She set her hunting rifle beside her, dropping down to reach out to the lifeless child.

"Oh— Oh Gods.." She whipped out her phone, calling the cops. She knew she couldn't do anything else- the child was already dead. She was terrified, but those feelings couldn't compare whatsoever to how Timi felt. 

It hurt the huntress even more when she recognized the child as her grandson. "..Faye." She gasped, backing away. She would remain there until the cops arrived, with medical attention and all. 

The medical attention proved useless. He was dead- there was no pushing past that. There was nothing they could do. He was dead, and the only thing everyone could do was force themselves to move on.

Timi would never move on.

He would hold onto Faye's memory, and the confession letter he had in his back pocket until he died.

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