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labor/delivery {ethan}

You just woke up from a strange feeling in your stomach, it soon went away so you just thought it was a Braxton Hicks. You groaned and then tumed over on your other side to see Ethan is out of his place on the bed. You were really hoping he was there so you could cuddle with him. Twelve minutes later, another feeling happens, but this feels different than Braxton Hicks. You don't want to jump to any conclusions, but you figured you need to tell Ethan. You got out of bed, and rubbed your eyes, walking downstairs "Ethan?" You said, raspy since you just woke up. You walked around the house until you found him in the markers just looking at things. You felt a stronger longer pain wrap around your back and throughout your stomach. You yelped, grabbing Ethan's attention "Imani? Are you okay?" He asks as you close your eyes, and breathe out. You nod "I'm fine, but I think Noah wants to see his room now," You say After you told him, he literally sprang into action, keeping totally calm, though. He took you downstairs, pausing once while you had a contraction "Okay, so I'll call the midwife right now" He said, sitting you down. As he got on the phone, another contraction came, stronger. The panic inside of you was really beginning to show. After Ethan was done talking to her he focused on you "It's okay, babe. The midwife will be here in about fifteen minutes, okay?" He said. You nodded "Can I walk?" You asked. It seemed silly to be asking him if you could do something but hey you were in pain "Sure baby, c'mon," He said, helping you up. With Ethan right beside you. You walked around the house, stopping every time you had a contraction. You heard a knock at the door, so Ethan led you over to the couch and sat you down. When the midwife came in you heard her and Ethan talking. They both walked over to you "Hey, Imani. Are you excited?" She asked. You smiled, and nodded "How far apart are your contractions?" She asked, laying you down to feel the position of the baby "About eight minutes, and my water hasn't broken yet" You say. When another contraction came, a whine came out of your mouth, and you squeezed your eyes shut. Ethan quickly grabbed your hand letting you squeeze it as hard as you needed to "What time is it?" You ask when it was "11:30" The midwife answers, looking at her watch "Seven minutes," You say. As you walked around, you went into the kitchen. You put your elbows on the counter, rocking your hips back and forth as a contraction passes. Ethan walked in, and got you something to drink, as well for himself. What you thought was a contraction came on, grabbed Ethan's hands and held yourself up for support "Ethan?" You say and you hear a pop and water runs down your leg. You gasp, and look down "Uh" You stutter, not really being able to process what just happened. Ethan started to laugh because it made you look like you wet yourself. A real, much stronger contraction came on "This is all your fault" You say, closing your eyes "I'm so sorry baby girl" He says. He was genuine, he hated seeing you go through all this pain "It's not your fault, last time I checked it takes two of us for this" You say, rubbing your stomach. He went behind you and applied pressure on the bottom of your back, making some of the pain go away. After many contractions, profanities whispered, and apologies accepted, you sat in the living room, on the couch, Ethan sat in front of you facing you and squatting between your legs as another contraction ripped through your back. You felt the baby move between your pelvis and moaned "Oh Eth, he's coming. I need to push" You say "Okay baby, where do you want to go?" Ethan asks. You could begin to see him getting nervous, which made you nervous "I don't know, our room?" You suggest, trying to hurry. He picked you up bridal style, and you gripped onto his shirt, trying not to push. The midwife followed you, and Ethan set you on the towel. covered bed. Luckily the midwife had put them there earlier "Okay, Imani," The midwife said. Ethan helped you out of the bottoms you were wearing and laid you back on the bed "Ethan, I need you to come hold her leg please?" The midwife asked. Ethan nodded and pulled your leg back, still holding your hand. The midwife held your other leg, and told you to push "1, 2, 3, 4, S!" She counted. You let a breath out "Again when you feel a contraction" She says. When you did, you squeezed Ethan's hand and began to bore down "Good job Imani, only three more!" This time when you pushed, you felt something release "Baby's head is out!" She says "Two more for the shoulders," She says. You nod, pushing down once more as your body expands around the baby "Last push!" She says. You push down, relaxing when you hear a cry. A baby is placed on your chest, and you smile "It's our baby Ethan" You say, tears falling down your face.

Noah Dominic Elijah Choi was born on February 21, 2024.

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