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labor/delivery {jay}

You were a week overdue, and Roman was just adamant about not coming into the world. You really just wanted to meet him and he was refusing it seemed like. The doctor said walking more would help start the labor, so you decided to go to the store with Jay when he got some groceries. Luckily no one was recognizing you, so you were having a smooth trip. You had been feeling small pains all day. You didn't want to tell Jay because you've had pains before, and he probably wouldn't have let you come to the store. After being there for about another half an hour, the pains were getting stronger. You told Jay, and he calmly nodded, leaving the cart in an aisle, and walking you out, your water breaking five seconds after you got out of the store. After your water broke outside the store, Jay basically made you run to the car "Jay, slow down, please, I'm pregnant and in labor?!" You say. He nods and chuckles a bit. He slows down, taking you into the car. Luckily, you told Jay to put the bag in the car so it would take less time to get to the hospital. He drove quietly, hands gripping the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles were white "Jay, calm down, it's fine, Roman is fine" You say grabbing one of his hands, and kissing his knuckles "I know, but, I'm just worried, you know? Now that you're in labor, what if something goes wrong?" He asked "Then we will deal with it if it happens. But we can't worry about that stuff right now, just think, in less than twelve hours, well hopofully for my sake, we will be parents, and we will able to see Roman's face" You say. That seemed to calm him down a lot. This time he took your hand and kissed it. That's when a contraction happened "Ow, Jay" You say, grabbing his hand "It's okay darling squeeze" He said "Sorry about your seat," You say "Don't worry about that, you've got other things to think about," He says, pulling into the hospital parking lot. Jay hurried and went in the back seat, and grabbed your bag. You opened the door, unbuckling yourself as people took pictures and videos. Jay helped you out of the car and into the hospital. Honestly, even though you guys looked a little rough, you both didn't care that people were recording you, Instagramming, tweeting about you. Jay was worried about getting you inside, where the doctors could take care of you and your son "Babe, it's okay, slow down. Just need to take a break for a second" You say, crossing the parking lot. Jay helped you inside and got someone to help you. They took you up to the maternity ward and got you into a room. Jay took you to the bathroom and helped you put a gown on "Thanks babe" You say. Jay turned you around, and smiled "Were having a baby today" He said, kissing you on the lips "I know, I can't wait," You say excitedly. A contraction started, so you out you grabbed onto Jay, to help keep yourself up "Ow Jay" You say, closing your eyes "It's okay, darling. Remember what they showed us in the classes?" He said, rubbing the sides of your bump. You nodded, breathing as the instructor told you to. It helped, but obviously, it still hurt, When it was over, Jay took you into the room and helped you onto the bed. The doctor had someone come in and give you an epidural. After that, it felt much better. The doctor told you to get some rest, but neither of you was tired because it was one in the morning. Later on, the doctor came in to examine you. She told you that you were nine centimeters dilated, so only one more to go "Almost there, sweetheart" Jay said. You nodded, grabbing onto him as another contraction wrapped around your back and thighs. Tears came to your eyes, and you looked up at Jay "I don't think I can do this much longer Jay. It's been hours, and it hurts so bad" You say to Jay, as the tears start falling down your cheeks "Amaya, you're almost done. Just a little longer, the doctor just told us" He said, using his thumbs to wipe away your tears. You nodded. Jay helped you out of the bed and into his arms. Another contraction came on, so you grabbed onto his jacket that he was wearing, and began to sway your hips "Okay, okay, ow, Jay, he's right there, call the doctor" You say, eyes widening. Jay sat you on the bed first and hit the button so a nurse would come. When one finally did, Jay explained what was happening. The doctor rushed in and helped you put your legs in the stirrups. Jay stood next to your bed, letting you squeeze his hand as much as you needed to "Alright Amaya, are you excited? Your baby will be here in a few minutes. The next time you feel a contraction, push as hard as you can for ten seconds. And then take a breath, and then push when you feel another one. Okay?" The doctor said. You nodded and began to feel a contraction. You push down as hard as you can, squeezing Jay's hand. You counted to ten, then let out a breath. Catching your breath a little bit, you began to push again as another contraction happened. The baby's head was being held by the doctor now, and one shoulder began to come out "One more big push Amaya, you're almost done!" You push down once more, and then a scream fills the air. Your baby is placed on your chest, and you look down at him, and back at Jay "Dad, do you want to cut the cord?" Your doctor asks. He nods eagerly and gently lets go of your hand. After its clamped, he cuts it. Your baby is officially out into the world.

Roman Jamie Thomas Halstead was born on January 2, 2024.

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