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sage's pov

she texted me this late? why?
sage: hi britney, whats up? what do u want?
britney: oh i just wanted to know if you're ok.
sage: sure, dont worry about me! and are YOU okay?
britney: sage, i know we just met, but im your friend and you can talk to me♡
im surprised she said it, so i just stare at my phone for about a whole minute..
britney: helo? are u there?
sage: oh yeah sorry.. and thanks britney.
britney: its okay, im always here!
sage: it really means a lot<3
sage: but anyway, how did u get my social media/number?
britney: i just asked alex, i hope its ok tho
sage: oh yeah its perfectly fine! but its so late now, go to sleep, britney.
britney: sure haha, goodnight!
sage: goodnight britney
well.. i never thought she would text me but i feel so much better. i think im gonna try and sleep while listening to Taylor..
its fucking 1 am and i just woke up.. what the hell im so hungry.. i open my phone and see a message from alex, he texted me earlier but i was asleep..
alex: hi sagie, are u alright?
should i answer now? i dont think he's awake so it doesnt matter..
sage: hi alex.. i just woke up but yeah, im alright. whats up?
i dont expect an answer but he texts me back.. why is he up so late?
alex: sage its 1am what the fuck are you doing?
sage: chill omg i just woke up. and wbu, why are you up so late?
alex: you woke me up.
sage: MUTE YOUR PHONE NEXT TIME. but sorry..
alex: its okay but tell me whats wrong? why arent u sleeping?
sage: im literally so hungry, i throw up, im so sick but im gonna eat bc im gonna die rn if i dont.
alex: wanna facetime while ur eating?
sage: are u stupid?? its 1am. (sure lmao)
alex: okay call me.
i just hung up the call, because im so tired, its 3am.. im gonna listen to music while im trying to sleep. "hapiness" is playing.. that song is so underrated.

its 5am. i woke up, my head hurts but im used to it. i get up and open my window.
i always start the morning with opening my window, then getting dressed and etc... i check my phone, there's a message from alex.. he sent it last night
"goodnight" i answer with "goodmorning" im about to get dressed but i heard my phone buzzing. its usually muted but not rn, i forgot to mute it from yesterdays call with Alex.
i check the notification and it says.. Britney texted me..
britney: good morning sage!
sage: goodmorning britney. you're awake very early you know?
britney: yeah i need like 2 hours to get ready for school.. lol
sage: same haha
britney: anyway do u wanna go to school together?
sage: well why not?<3
britney: ill text u when im done. byee
sage: bye
im so happy we're gonna go to school together! im gonna dress up quickly to see Britney as soon as possible. i know we just met but i really click with her.
im ready! britney just called me where to meet and im on my way to that spot.. i see her.. she's wearing a red tank top with red baggy leather pants. she looks so hot to be honest..
-hey Britney, you look so good!
-hello! thank you so much!
-what time is it? - i have to make sure to be late because we start with PE.. ew.
-its 7:30.. we should go.
-well.. i was wondering if you wanted to skip? couse i hate PE and we can skip together if you're down
-umm.. im not supposed to skip..
-okay then, you can go, its fine!
-well actually, no! im down, lets stay here
-but are u sure?
-yes, i'd rather be with you then in PE. - this wasnt so surprising because i know PE sucks but Britney saying she likes to be with me.. makes me feel so special.
-aw thanks - why did i say this ughh
she smiles at me and says
-come with me!
-where are we going? - im so curious
-well i know a spot, its an abandoned place but its REALLY cool.
i dont say anything, i just smile back as an answer but i think she knows im excited.
about 10 minutes later she says
-this is the place.
-oh my god this is so beautiful.. - i said - how do you know this place?
-well, there is this boy who i like and he showed me
what? boy? what boy?? she has a crush?
-helo? you good, sage?
-you.. have a boyfriend?
-oh no i dont.. - she seems like she's lying - but i do have a crush..
-oh.. - why am i jealous?? - who is the lucky guy??
-his name is Alan.
-you mean Alan Fox?? - i know that guy. he is a horrible person.
-yeah, why? whats wrong?
-are you serious? he's a bad guy
-what? no he isnt!
-please.. i know him well.
-why?? is he your ex??
-ew! no! obviously not! - does she actually think i could like him??
-then how do you know him? - she says, almost yells.
-he was my bully in 7th grade..
-wait really? im so sorry for you.. but maybe he changed..
-no, he did not. please trust me and be careful..
-well.. i kinda lied because we got together..
-im sorry, yeah.. he is my boyfriend..
-oh. - what the hell? is she really together with that dickhead?? oh my god.
-its fine, i love him. we are really good, i promise.. plus we're going on that 3 days trip tomorrow you know and we're gonna be in the same house.
wait i totally forgot about that trip. shit i dont wanna go.. but atleast we can drink i guess? well im sure im bringing alcohol.
-do you wanna be with us? alex can come too. - she asks with a smile on her face.
-okay, i just need to talk with him too.

as we're walking to school i hear my phone's ringtone ("NDA - Billie Eilish) its Alex. i pick up
-is everything ok? - i ask
-WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?? - he screams
-Alex, i just skipped PE, im with Britney..
-oh okay.. sorry i was just worried. - he apologizes.
-its okay, we're almost there.
-hurry up please, im so bored, sagie.
i hang up..

this day went really fast. its 3 days until my birthday.. we're gonna celebrate on the school trip with alex.. he said he brought me something, im a little excited about that..


umm second part♡ hope you like it<3 anyway my english is not perfect, so im sorry if i wrote something wrong

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