Part 5

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I'm sorry Cait I really am I promise you the second you need me I'll be here. I walk over to my best friend who's sitting up in bed with puffy red eyes and a couple tears still falling, I immediately get under the covers and pull her into my side holding her as close as I can not wanting to let her go, not wanting to mess this up. "Try and get some sleep Cait, we'll stay in tomorrow and have a movie day just us and you can tell me about everything that's been on your mind lately okay?" I see her eyes struggling to stay open 10 minutes later she's asleep in my arms. My god could I get use to this. My alarm goes off i reach over quickly trying not to wake Cait up but I was to late, she looks up and gives me a warm smile "Morning Cait, you hungry? I was gonna go downstairs and cook us some breakfast what do you want? Eggs, pancakes, smoothie?"

Caitlin's Pov

"Morning chick, I'll have some eggs please. I'll come down and help you" I start to get out of bed before Katie playfully pushes me back "nah uh, you'll stay right here and I'll be back In 10 with your food I wanna make it up to you for me being such a shitty friend when you needed me the most" I watch at she jumps out of bed and walks towards my door opening it and going downstairs. I hear her banging around downstairs next thing I know she's rubbing my arm trying to wake me up. Wait, why do I have butterflies? She's literally just rubbed my arm what's going through your head I think to myself my cheeks go a little red hopefully Katie doesn't notice "Thanks Katie, this looks delicious I really appreciate you doing this for me and I know how sorry you are for lately, you don't have to do anything else for me just be there when i need you"

Katie's Pov

"This is the least I can do Cait, I know I really messed up not being there for you when you needed me the most and I know you forgive me but I still want to make it up to you. There's a reason I have been so distant lately and I will tell you eventually I just don't think now is the right time." All of a sudden I'm pushed onto my back and Cait's arms are around my waist holding me as close as she can "Thanks chick, I want you to know you can tell me anything I'm here for you always. I love you" Butterflies is what I feel in my stomach hearing her say those 3 words and I know it's not in the way I want but hopefully someday soon I'll be able to tell her how I really feel and those 3 words will be in the way I want.

Caitlin's Pov

Lately I've been feeling these weird feelings around Katie and I think that's why it hurt so much when she distanced herself from me, when we touch hands accidentally or she hugs me my whole stomach erupts with butterflies. I don't know if she feels the same but I have to tell her soon I don't know how much longer I can go on acting like I'm not feeling these things for her, my Katie.

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