Part 7

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I wake up on the couch at 9am to my alarm going off, i feel a warm feeling in my side I realise Cait and I must have fallen asleep here after our movie marathon last night. I feel Caitlin begin to stir next to me.

'Morning Chick, how did you sleep?' Katie says

'Morning, pretty good thanks to you' Caitlin laughs

'Happy to help Caits I quite enjoyed sleeping by your side and getting a cuddle off you'

'Did you now? Don't say your gonna start using me for my cuddles only Katie' Caitlin lets out a chuckle

'I mean I would enjoy your cuddles each night, along with a few other things'

Fuck. Did I really just say that out loud Katie thinks to herself.

'I uh I sorry Cait. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable or anything.. it's just I've been having these feelings for you lately and no matter what I do, how much I go out to clubs and flirt, or go home with girls i can't bring myself to do anything with them, I can't stop thinking about you no matter how hard I try too. If you don't feel the same way I completely understand just give me space for a few weeks and let me heal. I don't want to ruin our friendship.'

'I um Katie, I've been having these feelings for a while now too and at first I thought it was because you're my best friend and you have been helping me since my break up with Lia, but I can't get you out of my head. it's like I'm consumed by you everything I do reminds me of you in some way. I have been terrified of admitting my feelings in case you didn't feel the same but I guess I don't have to worry about that now.' Caitlin lets out a small nervous giggle

I walk over to where Caitlin is sitting 'Can I kiss you?'

'Please do.'

I put my hands on either side of her face she stands up and moves closer to me I pull her in for a deep but meaningful kiss, our lips fit together like they're made for each others.

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