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Two months had gone by.

And it was summer break.

That meant I didn't have to go to college.

That also meant that I had more time to spend with Liam.

During the two months that passed, we had gone to several dates.

He even had slept in my flat, once.

Nothing had happened though.

He was always respectful.

We had gone out.

Nowhere special.

Who am I lying?

It was definitely a special place.

We went to the park.

We sat on a bench.

Our bench.

He had lighted up a cigarette.

We talked.

Watching the kids play.

I had asked him if he ever wanted kids.

He had told me that he did want kids someday.

It made me smile.

He had finished smoking.

Turned his body so that he was completely facing.

I remember he held my hands.


The next thing that he had said made me feel like my heart had gone to my stomach.

He had asked me if I wanted to be his boyfriend.

I had answered yes right away.

Didn't waste a second.

A big smile was on both of our faces.

We kissed.

Holding onto each other.

We stood there for another hour.

Just talking.

Holding hands.

Then he took me home.

Who knew that from trying to make someone stop smoking I could gain a boyfriend.

Looking back at it now.

I never really tried to make him stop.

And I regret that terribly.

I would just casually mention it.

Every time I talked about it, he would tell me he would give it a shot.

But the moment he would walk away from me.

I just watched.

Knowing that it wouldn't last long until he put the killing cigarette in his mouth again.

 [a/n: I was supposed to only update next week, but I just noticed Memories is #747 in Short Stories, so I thought why not update today. #747 ain't much, but at least, it's something and I'm happy :) Last chapter will be up next Tuesday or probably even tomorrow lol.  

Please comment and vote? Just let me know what you think of the story so far. Thank you!]

Memories  {lirry} (boyxboy)✔Where stories live. Discover now