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As Spencer entered the beach house, his glowing girlfriend Olivia greeted him. Tonight was the night they planned to announce their new addition to their family and friends. Four weeks ago, they discovered Olivia was pregnant, and they were thrilled to share the news.

"Sorry to hijack your evening," Olivia said as she kissed Spencer.

"No worries," Spencer replied. "You mentioned Ashley's presence would be a surprise, so where is she?" Spencer asked, noticing a tall black man entering the kitchen.

"I mean he," Spencer corrected himself, puzzled.

"What's good, bruv?" Ashley said as he greeted Spencer.

"Um, if you don't mind me asking, what are your pronouns?" Spencer inquired, causing Olivia's eyes to widen slightly.

"He/Him... It's interesting how upfront Americans are about that," Ashley remarked, nodding at Spencer.

Glancing at Olivia with confusion, Spencer received only a smile in return.

"So, what inspired this impromptu trip?" Spencer asked, focusing on Ashley.

"Well, Olivia called and told me she was feeling lonely, and since you guys are always busy with football and stuff, I got on a plane and here I am," Ashley explained, flashing a smile at Olivia and then Spencer. Olivia's smile slowly turned into a frown.

"And because he missed his friend," Olivia added, with both men nodding in agreement.

"Okay, well, I'm going to my room, and I'll see you all later," Spencer said. "Good to put a face to the name," he added, dabbing Ashley up and giving Olivia a kiss on the cheek before walking away, leaving the two of them behind.

"That was weird," Olivia thought to herself.

"Okay, I'm going to the shops to get another toothbrush since I forgot mine, okay?" Ashley said, with Olivia nodding in agreement.

"Will you be at Sunday dinner tonight?" Olivia asked, and Ashley nodded before walking out the door.

As Olivia entered Spencer's room, she quietly chuckled at him watching 'Power.' Sitting down beside him, she asked, "What was that about?"

"What was what about?" Spencer asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Why were you acting like that with Ashley?" Olivia inquired, crossing her arms.

"Maybe because I was caught off guard that Ashley is a man?" Spencer replied, prompting an eye roll from Olivia.

"Why?" Olivia pressed.

"Because you didn't tell me Ashley was a man," Spencer stated, pausing the show.

"I didn't think it mattered," Olivia replied, to which Spencer scoffed.

"You didn't think it mattered?" Spencer questioned, standing up.

"Spencer, why are you being so hostile? Ashley didn't do anything to you! I never act like this with your female friends!" Olivia retorted, her voice rising slightly.

"I'm not acting like anything. Plus, you knew my friends were girls because they're your friends too!" Spencer shot back, matching Olivia's energy.

"Then what's your problem?" Olivia asked.

"My problem is that my girlfriend hid the fact that her friend was a man, whom she's been talking about but failed to mention is a man. And now my pregnant baby mama is hanging out with a guy I don't even know. Shall I continue?" Spencer explained.

"Baby mama, huh?" Olivia said, standing up. "I don't have to listen to what you say or do what you say. You're not anyone's dad," Olivia stated as Spencer took two steps backward.

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