Through The Shadows

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(A/N this chapter is about a miscarriage and it could be sad or triggering for others. So PLEASE don't read if you don't feel comfortable. And just wait for the next update! Btw this chapter was requested by @TayDonn09 and @ChrisElizondo7. I hope this chapter met your expectations! )


The night was still, with the soft hum of the city outside their window. Spencer lay in bed next to Olivia, his arm draped protectively around her. The moonlight cast a gentle glow over their room, a moment of peace in an otherwise chaotic world.

A faint whimper broke the silence, and Spencer's eyes flew open. Olivia was curled up, clutching her stomach, her face contorted in pain.

"Liv?" Spencer's voice was filled with worry. "What's wrong?"

Olivia's eyes met his, wide and filled with fear. "Spencer, something's not right. It hurts so much."

Panic surged through Spencer. "Oh no," he muttered, scooping Olivia into his arms. She buried her face in his chest, her whimpers muffled against his shirt. "Hold on, Liv. We're going to the hospital."

Spencer carried her to the car as quickly as he could without jostling her too much. The drive to the hospital felt endless, every second a torment as Olivia's pain seemed to increase. Spencer's knuckles were white as he gripped the steering wheel, his heart pounding with dread.

When they arrived at the hospital, the medical team rushed them into a room. Spencer held Olivia's hand, trying to stay strong for her as they waited for the doctor. Her grip was tight, and he could feel her trembling.

After what felt like an eternity, the doctor came in, his face somber. "I'm sorry," he said gently. "It appears you've had a miscarriage."

The words hit them both like a punch to the gut. Spencer felt the ground drop out from beneath him, his worst fears realized. Olivia's cry of anguish tore through the room, a sound so raw and heart-wrenching that it brought tears to Spencer's eyes.

"Liv, I'm so sorry," he whispered, pulling her close as she sobbed uncontrollably. "I'm so, so sorry."

The drive home was silent except for Olivia's soft cries. Spencer kept glancing over at her, his heart breaking anew each time he saw the pain etched on her face. He wished he could take it all away, to bear the burden of their loss so she wouldn't have to.

Once they were home, Olivia collapsed onto the couch, her body wracked with sobs. Spencer sat beside her, gathering her into his arms. "Let it out, Liv," he murmured, his own tears falling freely. "I'm here. I'm right here."

Olivia clung to him, her tears soaking his shirt. "Spencer, I... I can't believe this is happening. I feel so empty, so broken."

Spencer held her tighter, his heart aching for her. "I know, Liv. I know. We'll get through this together. I'm not going anywhere."

As the hours passed, Olivia's sobs gradually subsided, replaced by a deep, pervasive sadness. She looked up at Spencer, her eyes swollen and red. "Why did this happen? What did we do wrong?"

Spencer shook his head, his voice gentle but firm. "We didn't do anything wrong, Liv. Sometimes these things just happen, and it's not our fault. It's okay to be sad and angry, but please don't blame yourself."

Olivia nodded, but the pain in her eyes remained. "I just... I had so many dreams for our baby. I can't believe they're gone."

Spencer's own heart ached with the loss of those dreams. "I know. I had dreams too. But we can't let this destroy us. We have to hold onto each other, now more than ever."

Days turned into weeks, and the initial shock gave way to a deep, enduring sadness. Olivia withdrew into herself, barely eating or sleeping. Spencer watched helplessly, feeling the weight of their loss pressing down on him. He did everything he could to support her, but it never felt like enough.

One evening, as they sat in silence on the couch, Spencer took Olivia's hand in his. "Liv, I know this is the hardest thing we've ever faced," he began gently. "But we can't go through it alone. We need to talk to each other, to let each other in."

Olivia looked at him, her eyes filled with a mixture of pain and longing. "I don't know how to, Spencer. It hurts so much."

"I know it does," he said softly. "But we have to try. We can't let this tear us apart."

Slowly, Olivia began to open up. She talked about the dreams she had for their child, the little moments she had imagined, and the overwhelming sense of loss that now consumed her. Spencer listened, his heart breaking anew with each word. He shared his own grief, the pain of losing a child he had barely begun to know, and the fear that they might never recover from this.

As they talked, a fragile thread of connection began to form between them. It wasn't a cure for their pain, but it was a start. They leaned on each other, finding strength in their shared sorrow.

Spencer took time off work to be with Olivia, to care for her and make sure she wasn't alone. He cooked her favorite meals, even when she couldn't bring herself to eat. He took her on walks, hoping that the fresh air and gentle exercise might help ease her mind. He held her through the nights, whispering words of love and comfort as she cried herself to sleep.

There were days when the weight of their loss felt unbearable, when the darkness seemed too thick to penetrate. But there were also moments of light, small glimpses of hope that reminded them of the love they still had for each other.

One afternoon, as they sat in the park watching the children play, Olivia turned to Spencer with tears in her eyes. "I don't know if I can ever be the same, but I want to try," she said, her voice trembling. "I want to find a way to live again."

Spencer squeezed her hand, his own eyes misting over. "We will, Liv. We'll find a way together."

Slowly but surely, they began to heal. They sought counseling, both individually and as a couple, to help them navigate their grief. They leaned on their friends and family, allowing themselves to be vulnerable and accepting the support that was offered.

Through it all, Spencer never wavered in his commitment to Olivia. He knew that their journey would be long and difficult, but he also knew that they would emerge stronger on the other side. Their love, tested by unimaginable pain, became a beacon of resilience and hope.

As the months passed, they found new ways to honor the memory of their lost child. They planted a tree in their backyard, a living testament to the life that had touched them so deeply, even for such a short time. They volunteered at a local charity that supported families who had experienced similar losses, finding solace in helping others navigate the same painful path.

In the quiet moments, when the pain still crept in, Spencer and Olivia held each other close, reminding themselves of the love that had carried them through the darkest of times. They knew that their journey was far from over, but they faced the future with a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper connection than ever before.

And as they stood hand in hand, watching the tree they had planted sway gently in the breeze, they felt a sense of peace. Their child may have been lost, but the love they had for each other was unbreakable, a testament to the strength of their bond and the resilience of the human spirit.



Thanks for reading! I really hope you guys like this chapter because I really enjoyed writing it. Remember this book are one shot chapters so don't forget! 

QUESTIONS: What other ones shots do yall want? What would you rate this chapter out of 10?

Fun Question: Are Excited For All American Homecomings New Episode Tonight?

Thanks again for reading! Don't forget to vote,comment and share! Comment your favorite part of the chapter and the questions! (If you don't feel comfortable private message me).

-Layla P

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