The talk

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For a long moment she didn't move, despairing almost as she felt cold stone beneath her rather than the furs of her bed. When she opened her eyes she could see a ceiling of a dull grey rock.

Will this horrible dream not end? Daenerys thought. She'd had strange dreams before, dreaming of a great black dragon and fire after learning of her being sold as a bride. The dream came to her each night before her wedding night then ceased into nothing. But this one with the scaled beast and gigantic vision of her dragons and more then she has ever seen and, of that terrible man and his terrible eyes, was unlike any she'd felt before.

And when she got to her feet, now wearing the blue dress of Qarth and back within the House of the Undying, she didn't know what to think. She still felt frightened by that blue-eyed man and the countless silent dead who'd watched her, half buried in the snow. Even being in the House of the Undying, in the room where Her dragon had been chained even if the plinth remained bare, did little to sooth her unease. She still felt that if she'd turn he would be there, watching her.

Instead when Daenerys turned there was someone else watching her from the alcove, someone tall and strange.

The figure was lean, cloaked in a hooded black robe with a dark red lacquer wooden mask in place of a face. A necklace of golden rested upon the stranger's breast, more golden bands around their pale wrists and dripping down in tiny raindrops along the hem of their hood. Daenerys was unsure about their intention, sidling around until the plinth was between her and the stranger.

"I am Quaithe of the Shadow," the person said, voice barely above a whisper and making Daenerys tense, "And I mean you no harm, Daenerys Stormborn."

"Did you see what I just saw?" Daenerys questioned, her own voice just as soft. The man with the blue eyes still burned at her mind.

"Dragon dreams belong to the Targaryens alone," the woman replied, "None else may see them but you should heed them. But your mind is stronger after this and thus my means of reaching to you once said dream stopped."

You have suffered loss but how many had died at the hands of steel?" Quaithe questioned, "Sorcery is seen as a great sin or natural by many but you are of Old Valyria, tied to the dragons and magic runs thick in your veins. You cannot deny that part of yourself, nor should you. For your enemies are many and you need all the protection you can garner. Yet if you feel I am to lead you astray you may ask your knight, Ser Jorah. I told him of where your enemy was within Quarth, of the House of the Undying and how to find it so you may reunite with your dragon."

"The glass candles are burning," Quaithe nodded, the tiny golden drops clinging to her hood edge sparkling with the movement, "Something which has not happened since the dragons died. Their flames returned with your children yet the flames are colors and sharp in a way fire should not be. They are the beginning of a new era, a new age for the dragons and this every world. However not all who awake look upon it with wonder, rather than seek out destruction of everything until the whole world is consumed within a Long Night. But yes, it is also a part of why I wish to aid you. Magic was dying, slowly much like the dragons had done, and without your aid our wonders and strength will have remained ill and feeble. Now it is as if I can finally breathe and I will not be ungrateful to the one who gave me this strength."

"So why have you reached out to me now?"

"To share a warning. They shall come day and night to see the wonder that has been born again into the world," Quaithe said, "And when they see they shall lust for him and seek to control him through you. For all age dragons have been fire R'hllor's is interest in you is known to the red priests and is being spread. Beware their whispers, Daenerys Stormborn, and what you may see within flame."

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