The Irritating Prodigy and You

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'I will sue the school for making us wake up at such an unholy goddamn hour I swear to god itself-!!'

You scream internally, rounding a corner and dashing like a madwoman down the street like someone just announced that tomorrow no longer exists with a piece of toast in your mouth.

You probably look like those anime MCs being late for school, but you can hardly care when your biggest concern right now is at least getting into the school grounds on time before the gates close. You really don't want to climb the poor tree nearby to get inside again, nor do you want to stand outside till your knees drop from exhaustion as a punishment for running late.

'Curse my house for being so far away. And curse my freaking stupid alarm clock for doing this to me! I will personally abandon you onto the streets to get a new one after today I promise you that!'

Your legs are about to give in, but as you round another corner, your eyes light up the moment the ginormous gates of the school appear. As the last of the groups of students casually walk inside, you, being unique, sprint inside as everyone looks at you like you've just grown a second head the moment you halt, almost tripping and humiliating yourself for the nth time.

"Phew! Seems like she made it."

"Close call though, 5 more minutes until the gates close."

You silently raise your fist in triumph despite panting heavily for air, your lungs greedily working to get more oxygen in replacement for the amount you had burned.

'HAH! I made it!'

Your back straightens immediately as your hands land on both sides of your hip, holding your head high with a satisfied smug, drawing out some giggles from the students witnessing the sight. You can almost see sparkles appearing as you pat yourself on the back before hopping energetically forward, ready to start the school day with happiness (hopefully).

"She's the most positive girl I've ever seen."

"Right? Her energy is on another level."

"On that note, however, I heard from the Tomboy Madonna that she's quite aloof."

"Does she even know about that student's enrollment?"

"Knowing her..."

"MAKI!" You exclaim enthusiastically, poking your head inside the classroom with a grin, "YOUR ENDEARING BITCH HAD ARRIVED!"

LANGUAGE BARRIER | I. SaeWhere stories live. Discover now