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Inside of Gensokyo, in what seems to be a forest-like area of some sort, a crack is shown to be onto a ground next to a rather large tree, and coming out of the crack is Amatsu and Kuro, and the crack portals closed. Kuro looks around, and Amatsu spoke out.

"Here we are. Gensokyo. And it may not look like much, resembling a normal forest of some sort, but the mystical presence inside of this world are very much real. But on the bright side, this area, no one has visited yet, well...except for one, and she will know about it."

Kuro looked uncomfortable at this, as he has his hands in his pockets, and his eyes shook a bit as he follows Amatsu into the forest, as Kuro spoke out.

"So...how dangerous is it? Being inside of Gensokyo for normal humans?"

Amatsu looks at Kuro, as he then spoke out.

"Very. Too the point that any normal human that steps in there, should they encounter an aggressive yokai, or any other being that is as powerful, could get killed immediately. But luckily, that is why you chose this, practicing so you can fight against them in case you need to deal with them."

Kuro nodded his head, as he continues to walk with Amatsu deep inside of the forest. He looked around and saw a ball of white with a trail of blue flames, as Kuro looked a bit freaked out, but Amatsu then spoke out to him.

"Do not worry. They won't harm you. Those are just vengeful spirits passing through."

Kuro looked a bit unease, but he nodded his head, as he continued to walk through the forest, and sees a swarm of human souls coming around and surrounding them both, yet Kuro stays close to Amatsu, as they continued to walk through the area that they are in. Amatsu smiled a bit, as this is what he has been hoping on, as this place is where the souls of humans often gather in a single place.

"Not to mention, it would be...somewhat of a good use for cover, as well as a perfect place for you to practice on what your weapons are able to do. So, let us go and see what they are capable of, especially in your hands."

Kuro nodded his head as he continues on, following Amatsu for a little while, before they eventually reach their destination, as they see that they are now surrounded by so many legions of souls, swirling around them like a twister of some sort. Amatsu smiled, as he spoke out.

"Perfect. This is where we need to be inside of."

Kuro nodded his head, as Amatsu spoke out again.

"Kuro, remember the 2 swords I gave you? Well, summon one of them , especially the iron sword. This will be your first weapon to use, due to it being much similar to the weapons of the human world in terms of design."

Kuro looked at his hand and spoke out in confusion.

"Ummm...how do I summon them?"

Amatsu looks at Kuro straight in the eyes, as he spoke out.

"Just will it into your hand, by mental command. And the same thing can be said for the plasma sword as well."

Kuro looked skeptical, but he looks at his right hand and sighed, as he closed his eyes, and held his hand out a bit, as he tries to mentally summon it into his hand. He concentrates a bit on this, as he tries to make it appear into his hand so he'll hold it. He flexed his fingers a bit, before he clenched it into a fist, and he then felt a handle of some sort. He opened his eyes, and was surprised to see that he has the iron sword in his hand, which he did not expect, as Amatsu spoke out.

"That is it. You have done it, Kuro. Now then...are you ready?"

Kuro looked a bit nervous at this, but he nodded his head as he then spoke out.

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