Chapter Forty-Seven - Lorraine Pieterse

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Present day

Outskirts of Albemarle, NC

As soon as Adam emerged from the gym, Zara appeared in front of him, slapping some papers into his hand. "I'm late, take over from me! I'm going to go pray away my fat thighs and need for Botox," she gritted bitterly, then headed up the stairs. "She's in the kitchen."

Adam stared confused at the crumpled, hourglass-shaped papers that Zara had clearly been wringing between her hands like it was a neck. "Who's in the kitchen?" he called up to her.

"Find out for yourself!" she snapped down in reply.

Adam opened up the papers, discovering they were renewal offers for their roles in Dark Dead Academy. How the hell did Zara come into possession of these? He returned them to their crumpled state, left them on a nearby sideboard, and started walking towards the kitchen.

Turning to head through the kitchen doorway, he took a startled step backwards as he came face to face with Loopy Lo.

Or at least that's what he called her.

"Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me!" he groaned, his shoulders sagging, his lip curling in disgust.

"Nice to see you too, Adam." Lorraine slipped around him, lightly skimming his arm with her nails. She scanned the living area. "Where's Zara gone?"

"Booking you a one-way ticket back home, hopefully."

Lorraine ignored his remark. "I've left a Botox vial in the refrigerator for her."

"Should have just kept it between your legs where it's colder."

She placed her hands on her hips, rolling her eyes. "Are you continuing to take vervain, like I recommended? Or are you suffering some kind of moody withdrawal symptoms?"

He scoffed. "I wouldn't breathe oxygen if it came with your recommendation."

Lorraine chuckled quietly between her painted lips, then stepped closer to him, looking him in the eyes with an icy glare. "Where's Raid?"

They both turned their heads as the door to the gym opened. Raid stepped outside, raised his head, spotted Lorraine in the opposite room, yelped an expletive, and skidded quickly back into the gym, slamming the door behind him.

"You have that effect on him," Adam explained dryly.

A much louder expletive was yelled from beyond the gym door before it opened again and Raid marched towards Lorraine, grabbed her by the arm and pulled her towards the front door. "You're leaving," he told her.

"Is this any way to treat your girlfriend?" she protested, struggling against him.

"You're not my girlfriend," he corrected. "You're delusional." But, before he could reach the door, Lorraine wrapped her free hand around his arm, and sunk all her weight onto the floor, pulling Raid down on top of her.

Raid managed to plant his palms either side of her shoulders before their heads crashed together, and Lorraine took the opportunity to wrap her arms around his neck and her legs over his thighs.

"This brings back memories," she teased seductively, interlinking her fingers.

"More like nightmares." He tried to push himself away, but she hung on tightly. "Let. Go," he hissed firmly.

She stroked the tip of her nose against his. "You didn't say 'please'."

The sound of a door closing on the floor above had Raid whipping his head first towards the staircase, then towards Adam. "Go warn Stef while I get this bitch off of me," he told him.

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