❨ 🌙 ❩ ⵌ ❝ INTERIM 1.4 ! ❞ ⟡

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Ginnungagap the Yawning Void
1st of February 2018
23:00 PM

The night of frostbitten chills enveloped them in its algid embrace, the haunting cries of the Draugr echoing through the frost-laden air

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The night of frostbitten chills enveloped them in its algid embrace, the haunting cries of the Draugr echoing through the frost-laden air. Galateya and the Wendigo, their breath forming wisps of moist vapor in the frigid atmosphere, leaned in closer to the frosted window of the train, their hearts heavy with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. With each mournful howl that pierced the silence, a sense of dread settled over them like a suffocating blanket. Through the misted glass, they gazed out into the darkness, their eyes struggling to penetrate the veil of night that shrouded the landscape beyond. What they beheld was a scene straight from the depths of their darkest nightmares---a desolate expanse stretching into the abyss, its icy tendrils reaching out to ensnare the unwary traveler cloaked in the eerie shroud of midnight blues.

Wisps of mist danced and twirled, weaving intricate patterns that obscured the horizon and swallowed the feeble light of the stars. The air was thick with an otherworldly chill, seeping into their bones and sending shivers cascading down their spines. But it was the river below that truly captured their attention---a winding ribbon of liquid onyx, its surface glimmering with an otherworldly luminescence. The crystalline waters seemed to pulse with an ethereal energy, casting strange, twisted shadows across the barren expanse of land. It was a sight both mesmerizing and terrifying, a testament to the surreal nature of the realm they found themselves in.

As far as the eye could see, there was nothing but desolation---a vast expanse of emptiness that stretched on into infinity. Jagged rock formations jutted from the earth like the gnarled fingers of some ancient, malevolent entity, their stark silhouettes etched against the backdrop of the endless night sky. The air itself seemed to hum with an otherworldly energy, thick with the weight of centuries-old secrets and long-forgotten sorrows. Each breath they took felt like a battle against the oppressive silence, the sound of their own heartbeat echoing through the void like a drumbeat in the darkness. And yet, despite the overwhelming sense of foreboding that hung in the air, there was something else: A primal instinct that pulsed through the very fabric of their being, urging them to proceed with caution. The Wendigo's expression was a mask of stoicism, his eyes narrowed in a mixture of disgust and wariness as he surveyed the approaching landscape.

As the train's momentum waned, it eased into a sluggish crawl, the rhythmic clatter of its wheels gradually subsiding. Galateya's heart quickened its tempo, a symphony of anticipation and trepidation echoing in her chest as she fixed her gaze upon the looming darkness beyond the window. Shadows danced in the distance, twisted specters cast by the flickering glow of distant torches, and the haunting howls of the Draugr pierced the night with a chilling lament. A palpable sense of foreboding hung heavy in the air, suffusing the atmosphere with an oppressive weight that seemed to press down upon her very soul.

Galateya's fingers clenched around the ring, its smooth surface a stark contrast to the turmoil raging within her. With each beat of her heart, her grip tightened, as if seeking solace in the cold metal nestled in her palm. The weight of impending danger hung heavy in the air, a palpable presence that left her trembling with apprehension. As the silhouette of the Draugr materialized in the dim light, her breath caught in her throat, her pulse quickening with each passing moment.

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