Chapter 11~ Forget.

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It was strange, being here again after so long. Despite how long he'd been away, the stranger still remembered everything about the place; the dark smog sky that rarely ever had stars, the soft hum of traffic that reminded him of those first sleepless nights in London. The dark green paint had faded on the 221B door since he'd had last seen it, but it was still recognizable. It looked like the colour of the wilting ivy he'd seen before he was...taken.

The stranger walked out of the TARDIS doors, a hand raised in an awkward greeting. John and Sherlock glanced to each other. John wanted to laugh out loud, the detective never looked more shocked.

Fallen leaves littered the London road from the nearby park, bathing it in dark red, oranges and yellowing greens. The man stepped on them with a satisfying crunch as the TARDIS doors swung shut quietly with a small creak. A lamp post shined nearby, and the familiar yellow glow made him sigh in content.

John swallowed thickly, his eyes still very much wide and dilated in disbelief,"Greg? Is that you?" Sherlock simply remained silent, his posture straightening dramatically when the familiar D.I walked away from the clothing shadows.

"Yeah, it's me." Greg grinned, his hands placed casually inside his coat pockets. The same wolfish grin was planted upon his lips, it stretched from ear to ear.

Silence filled the area as nobody spoke. The Doctor shuffled his converse, smiling down to his feet. Greg shifted his eyes to the dumbstruck pair in half-amusement,"Wow." He commented, rocking on his black polished shoes,"Didn't know I'd see the day when I'd make Sherlock Holmes speechless."

Sherlock arched a cocky eyebrow, his thin lips twitched at this but he didn't smile, not quite. "Hello, there, Graham."

Greg exhaled loudly and he rolled his eyes,"Blimey, it's been bloody two years and you still can't get my name right!"

Sherlock straightened even more if that was possible, looking indignant. Greg shook his head, chuckling, he simply walked straight up to the pair. The D.I somehow managed to wrap both his arms the surprised pair, squeezing them tightly.

"My name's Greg." He mumbled in the embrace. Sherlock sighed ever so slightly, holding back a smile but he didn't return to hug, only holding out his arms awkwardly. His long form bent down to Greg's height in an amusing sight which caused The Doctor to bite back a guffaw. The detective scowled to him over Greg's shoulder.

John chuckled against Greg's arm, shaking his head,"It's good to have you back, mate."

They all pulled away much to the sociopath's relief. "It's good to be back."

Sherlock frowned after a moment,"'Two years'." He mused,"You said that."

Lestrade nodded once,"Hell, it was a long time, mind you." He paused, seeming sad for a moment,"I didn't want to leave Cathy but it was the right thing to do. I didn't belong there."

John smiled kindly, the kind of smile you saw from him when he treated patients."Well, at least everything's back to normal."

"Unlike your blog, John, life is rarely so neat." Sherlock sighed, a smirk on his pale lips. The trio chuckled together at how ironic the whole situation was.

A creak of a door could be heard and Sherlock's eyes instantly shot up at the sound, narrowing. "Where do you think you're going?" He questioned, walking briskly towards the deep blue TARDIS and the Timelord who was on the verge of leaving them.

"I better be off." The Doctor said thoughtfully,"Martha will be wanting me to pick her up. She can't stay with Mr.Turing forever." He started to close the doors again when Sherlock stopped him, holding out a spidery hand.

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