Chapter 1~ A Case Not for The Fainthearted.

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A/N: Hello there, this is my first Wholock fanfiction. I really hope you like it. The designer of this over is @light_inside . All credit goes to them for creating such an awesome cover! Please vote and comment what you think. Thanks.


"How?" He shouted.


"How what, Sherlock?" John rolled his eyes as he tapped away on his laptop.

"It's nothing your inferior mind would understand." Sherlock growled, rubbing the sides of his temple in frustration and slowly pacing around the flat.

"I don't understand, why not." John answered ignoring his friend's harsh comment. "Tell me what it is and I could help. Is this another case?" He span round in his seat and raised an eyebrow at Sherlock, who was furiously ripping at the curly mass of hair upon his head. "Sherlock!" John frowned in concern.

No case had ever caused his flatmate such distress before, except of course for a mysterious Mr. Moriarty, who Sherlock had found out about in one of their most recent cases. The Study in Pink. But never, in the short time he knew the detective, had he seen Sherlock like this before and so the sight worried him.

"What?" He halted to a stop and looked at John with confusion because he looked...concerned? He tilted his head at him.

John shook his head in response,"What's this about?"

Sherlock let a small sigh escape his mouth and snapped his eyes closed tightly as if he was searching for something hidden underneath his eyelids. He snarled and opened them, once again, staring at John,"It's something complicated. Something..." Sherlock twisted his hand as he thought,"impossible."

John laughed, spinning his chair around and tapping away on his keyboard again."The great Sherlock Holmes doesn't know?"

Sherlock narrowed his eyes at John's back with a dark expression flashing across his features,"I always know." He hesitated,"Just not this time." Sherlock spoke so quietly John almost didn't hear him speak.

John laughed again,"This-this is priceless!" He exclaimed with joy at the fact that the great detective was finally stumped. He typed faster into his laptop, earning Sherlock's attention instantly.

"What are you typing?" The detective squinted over John's shoulder, ignoring the snicker's that came from him, silently reading the writing as he did so.

"I'm writing my blog." John chuckled, still finding the thought that Sherlock was clueless amusing.

"About me?" This sounded more like a statement.


"This is like no other case and... not for the fainthearted." Sherlock muttered seriously, catching John's attention. John stopped typing, his fingers hovering over various letters of the keyboard. He turned to Sherlock, his chair squeaking a little.

"The angels, John." Sherlock frowned and looked into the distance with a hint of confliction and doubt in his calculated, cold eyes. "Beware the weeping angel." Sherlock spat the words through his gritted teeth as if he was bitter at the thought.

"What?" John blurted.

Sherlock approached him and looked at him dead in the eyes, "John, once you've ruled out the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be true."John's face was lined with confusion but he didn't respond, he gestured for Sherlock to continue.

"It began a few months ago," Sherlock started,"I got a message from the past. I thought that it was a hoax, but it all looked too real to be a trick-"

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