In the Beginning...

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Almost 300 million years ago, there roamed a fish not known to the modern world, a fish not unlike any other in the ocean. This fish was just a mouth, with a number of things attached to it, depending on where it was located. This fish, named Mouthies Fishus, is Known more commonly as The Mouth Fish. Now that we've covered the basics of The Mouth Fish, the real story may begin.


The depths of the ocean    

In the blue-ish darkness of the ocean, the flickering light of a lamp moves throughout the ocean. Any fish knows to swim away from the quickly moving threat that is only 1 body part. An interesting fact about Mouthies Fishus is before eating the species grinds its teeth, this sound however can reach almost 600dB, which is shockingly loud. This sound caries throughout the ocean warning animals in a proximity to leave quickly or face a not-so-fortunate fate. If any species are within a 200ft distance of The Mouth Fish after the cry is released, are more or less dead. You might wonder how The Mouth Fish catches pray that are 200ft away, allow me to explain. The Mouth Fish's key feature (its mouth) has a vacuum-like shape causing it to be able to suck in anything close by. 

Today, although no fossils of Mouthies Fishus have been captured by archaeologists, however many features of Mouthies Fishus can be compared to those of the Megalodon. We can infer The Mouth Fish came first due to the fact the oldest Megalodon is only 20 million years old. Before then we can only assume Mouthies Fishus ruled over all other sea creatures at the time. Many people when first hearing about The Mouth Fish laugh and tell us we are "paranoid and schizo" for believing such history. However, they are all WRONG their mere lilliputian minds cannot comprehend basic knowledge and history. The Mouth Fish is most definitely real. You might have seen people wearing those tooth necklaces think Oh! That must be a Megalodon tooth! Think again. Every single tooth archaeologists uncover and label as a Megalodon tooth is factually wrong, this is due to the fact that Megalodon's can't shed their teeth. This would lead to only one species, the Megalodon's great-great-great ancestor, The Mouth Fish. 

However, as the modern world continues to excel and become more advanced, more and more people start to learn about The Mouth Fish. For example, in Washington, D.C., a group of teens are working to spread the word of The Mouth Fish. Going around and handing out informational packets, if you just so happened to be blessed with the knowledge of The Mouth Fish, I'm jealous.  This group helps prove that there is still hope for The Mouth Fish. Researchers are just now starting their study of The Mouth Fish, not released to the public for now. This type of progress is exactly what we need, together we can help bring back a once bountiful species. A species that once ruled the ocean now hiding, hiding because of what you disgusting creatures have done to it. You humans did what you did best, DESTROY. Your species felt the need to use The Mouth Fish for all sorts of unimaginable things using its blood for linen, its teeth for tacky jewelry found in any coastal city. You might think it's no big deal, but now there is only ONE Mouth Fish left. 

To expand on that note, when we take that single Mouth Fish into account and compare it to say one if the most endangered species, the Javan Rhinos, with a population of around 75 rhinos existing today. Although the amount is small and extremely concerning, it is nothing compared to only 1 Mouth Fish. Now, scientists studying The Mouth Fish, have had a vexatious time tracking this single species, they have been successful. Finding these magnificent creatures just of the the coast of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands in very extreme depths. When I say extreme  I mean, this species was found to be swimming in The Hadal Zone, which is practically 6000 meters deep. Putting this into prospect, the amount of people who have been to the MOON outweighs the number of people who have been to the Hadal Zone.

Although this part has now come to an end, there is more to come about Mouthies Fishus including the species' anatomy, its living conditions, and many of the reasons it is at threat and such a necessity in the common world as an animal.  Also, all of the information I am blessing you with is true, this species is REAL.

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