4|Who are you?

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I sit by the window and gaze outside, at the bright blue sky, sun shining at its brightest, a flock of birds flying high up in the sky

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I sit by the window and gaze outside, at the bright blue sky, sun shining at its brightest, a flock of birds flying high up in the sky.

I have no sense of time, I have absolutely no contact with anyone whatsoever. It's been almost 24 hours since I've been brought here.

The night I've spent, the trauma I experienced-

I haven't been able to sleep ever since. My eyes burn and have swollen up by now because of all the crying. I can't help it, the tears just flow out and I end up breaking down and by the time I pick myself up and calm a little, just looking at this room, this bed, this roof, the memories of my destruction come running back to haunt me.

The only contact I had was with the maid who came in to give me some food and a set of fresh new clothes.

The door clicks open, bringing me back from my chain of thoughts.

I sit up straight but continue looking outside. I can hear footsteps approaching me, I turn my head around only to meet his eyes.

I look up at him, and frankly this is the first time I've noticed him.

He is tall that was obvious yesterday, his hair is dark just like his eyes. His eyes deep and velvety complimenting his face, and for some purpose his sharp jaw is always clenched.

"Get up." He orders in his husky voice looking away.

"Why am I here? What do you want?" I say with my gaze fixed on him.

He cups my face and pulls me up roughly making me stand up.

I use my hands to get out of his grip but one thing I've learned here is that the more I try to escape his touch the more his grip tightens which results in bruises.

I stay still and try reading his face but that effort goes in vain because his eyes do not hold any emotions, his face is always still while his jaw is clenched.

"I don't like repeating." He says dangerously looking deep into my eyes.

"You will obey me, you will do everything the exact same way I tell you to do so"

"You will behave." He says tightening his grip.

Now this is where I max out. I feel like My jaw could break any moment now and I can no longer put on the strong girl act.

"No, did you hear me? I said NO. I don't know you, I don't know why you brought me here and traumatized me. I don't even know your name! LET ME GO! MY PARENTS MUST BE WORRIED! PLEASE JUST LET ME GO!WHO EVEN ARE YOU?"
I build up some courage and yell.

He blinks his eyes slowly and let's a breath out.

"I am your husband." He Announced letting go.

My mind is blank, my body feels numb and lifeless.

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