11|Brown eyes

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Zain had always prided himself on his ability to keep emotions at bay, to navigate the world with a steely resolve hardened by years of pain and betrayal

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Zain had always prided himself on his ability to keep emotions at bay, to navigate the world with a steely resolve hardened by years of pain and betrayal.

Yet, when he first felt Noor's hands in his, something shifted deep within him. Her touch was unlike anything he had experienced before – soft, gentle, and unexpectedly comforting.

It was as if her warmth had seeped through the rough lines of his palms, of his roughened exterior, momentarily soothing the ache that ached within.

It was a beautiful morning, he could almost hear the birds chirping, the light yet subtle warmth of the dawn creeping its way into the room.

He awoke to the sight of Noor kneeling in prayer, the early morning light casting a halo around her silhouette. The serene devotion with which she bowed her head and whispered her prayers captivated him.

For a brief moment, the weight of his purpose, his burning desire for revenge, faded into the background as he watched her with a mixture of awe and curiosity.

She held her hands together and raised them, closing her eyes, murmuring  something to herself.

The utter devotion and peace a person has to attain to sit that way and pray, not everyone has that written in their fate, not everyone's lucky that way. Attaining spiritual peace and being able to sit and pray like that.

It's truly a blessing, zain thought to himself. For the first time in years he circled back to the questions which he found amusing in the past.

"You are awake?" Noor's voice brings him back to the present as he blinks.

"It's 5 in the morning." He groans sitting up straight.

She simply nods in response.

After last night, it had been difficult to look him in the face, especially in his eyes. What could she possibly say? Thank him?? That was not an option.

Last night was equally weird and unusually stranger for both of them afterall it was the first time they talked to eachother, sat next to eachother, smiled at eachother with genuine humanity.

The first time they held hands.

His first time ever holding hands.

It was bound to be strange.

Ever since last night, he craved her warmth, The softness of her palms, her vanilla scent, her big brown beautiful eyes, the lines of her smile. oh how he would burn the world down, choke himself to death just to hold her hand once more. Just one more time. One more minute. One more second.

All of it was surreal and all he ever wanted was for it; to not end.

But it did.

But it did

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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