Oops! All Power-Up

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Tari smiled as she stood in the kitchen stirring a pot filled with ingredients, she was currently making soup for the gang, and thankfully she just finished making it, it just needed to cool before it could be served

Tari stared at the pot of soup lost in thought cause she felt like she was forgetting something

"Hmm... What is it... What am I missing?"

Tari thought out loud before she started looking around the counter for a clue to jog her memory

She was lost until her friend Clench piped in

"Hey Tari! You almost done with that soup with that fancy mushroom in it?"

"Aha! I was wondering what I was missing! Thank you Clench!"

As Tari diced up the mushroom she threw it into the soup and in came Mario screaming, who came rushing into the kitchen at the smell of food. SMG4 followed behind Mario, chasing after him


SMG4 screamed, reaching his hand for Mario who had seated himself at the kitchen table


Mario screeched at SMG4, pounding his fists on the table. As Tari turned around holding 2 bowls she smiled at the pair

"Hi guys! You're just in time to try this special soup I made!"

Tari chirped as she set down two bowls of soup. Mario nearly swallowed the whole bowl immediately but stopped himself when he noticed the mushrooms floating around the bowl

"Bleh! Mushrooms!"

Mario gagged as he pushed the bowl away

"Don't be rude Mario! Just pick them out! Thanks Tari..."

SMG4 calmly smiled as he sat down and Tari handed him a bowl of soup

"You're welcome SMG4!"

As Tari glanced back at the pot of soup she was a bit stunned when she noticed there was only enough for one more person

"Oh no! I thought I made plenty for all of us!"

Tari frowned as she poured the last of the soup into a bowl

"It's alright Tari! Not everyone is hungry right now anyway..."

SMG4 said as Mario picked the mushrooms out of his bowl and put them in SMG4's

"Hm... I guess you're right!"

Tari sighed as she placed down the bowl of soup for herself on the table in front of her, as she was about to sit down Meggy came into the kitchen

"Hey, Tari? Can I have your help with something?"

Meggy nervously laughed as if her hat wasn't on fire

Seeing this, Tari dropped everything and went to go help Meggy

As the door shut behind her SMG4 sighed of relief before he saw Mario putting mushrooms in his soup

"Ah! C'mon man! You couldn't of put these anywhere else?!"

SMG4 groaned as he started picking the mushrooms out and putting them in the bowl in front of him

Once all the mushrooms were in the bowl across from the pair, they chugged their soup to go see what the others were doing

~ A few minutes later ~

"Yo, SMG4 do you know where I can find-"

SMG3 paused as he walked into the kitchen and saw no one there

"Typical... Guess I'll find it myself"

As SMG3 trailed around the kitchen and looking in cabinets for gunpowder he stopped when he noticed a bowl of soup sitting on the kitchen table

SMG3 stared at it before looking around for some kind of hidden camera. Seeing how he didn't see anything out of the ordinary, he grabbed the bowl to "inspect it"

"Hm, I am kinda hungry... And hey! Mushrooms! Hell yeah!"

SMG3 smiled as he walked out of the kitchen to head back to his lair

~ Another few minutes later ~

"Sorry that took so long guys I-"

Tari stopped herself when she noticed Mario and SMG4 were gone, which was kind of fair seeing how she was gone for a bit, she didn't know why she was expecting them to still be here

But hey! At least her soup is still- Hey! Wait a minute! Where's her soup?

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