ch. 1 morning (1085 wrds)

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I woke up to my father yelling at my brother, Malikai, I could hear him from the basement, which Is my bedroom. I groaned and looked at the clock It read 7:09, and I got up and started to get dressed. I wore a simple skull graphic Tee, black jean shorts, and my high-to p Converse, my socks sticking out of the top a little, the shorts were a bit too short for my liking, but it was still hot outside. I brushed my hair that I dyed last night without my mom and dad knowing, I was fucked. it was hot pink and black, kind of like Dracy Lura from Monster High, it was a new school year, so I wanted to be more myself. I looked in my full-body mirror and gave myself a thumbs-up and awkward smile before grabbing my backpack, it was now 7:45, and school started at 8:30.

I walked up the basement stairs and to the dining room, my father at the head of the table, my mother on the right side of him, and my little sister, Kami next to her, Malikai across from my mother and I sat next to my brother. My little sister instantly pointed out my hair, "Rea got new hair!" she exclaimed, and I glared at her. My father's head snapped in my direction, and I didn't bother looking at him. when he saw my pink and black hair he scoffed and pinched the bridge of his nose, showing his annoyance "Why the FUCK do you have different hair than what you went to bed with!?" my father yelled and slammed his fist on the table making my brother and little sister jump "Because I wanted it." I told him with little emotion in my voice, I was giving him the cold shoulder and I knew it was pissing him off.

I heard my mother sigh, "Don't turn out like them Kami, you're a smart girl" she muttered under her breath and I scoffed. "Why the hell do you have to be such a disappointment?!"My father asked through gritted teeth and I looked up at him "Maybe if you weren't such a deadbeat-" My father quickly stood up, making the chair scrape against the wood floors, "Don't you dare talk to me that way!" He yelled, "I am your father and I put a roof over your head and clothes on your body!" He was pissed but I couldn't back down "That is the bare minimum! You have to do those things or CPS will be knocking at our door!" I yelled back and stood up as well

He walked over and slapped me across the face, I stumbled a bit but held my footing, My brother put his hand over his mouth to cover his gasp and my mother ignored it, My father glared at me "You do not talk to me that way, Brat." He spat and pointed his finger in my face and I looked away. "get out of my face and take your brother to school." He told me, I pulled my brother by his arm and grabbed my backpack. I stormed out of the house and slammed the door.

I walked to my car that was in the driveway and told my brother to get in, I got into the driver's seat and started the car, I played my music and my brother watched out the window while I pulled away from the driveway. "I don't get why you always have to fight with him..." My brother muttered and I scoffed "You don't understand... Just stay out of it, Okay, Mal?" I asked my brother and he nodded, I drove down the street for about five minutes and I was calm down.

I dropped him off in front of his school "Don't be late, and don't die Loser!" I yelled to him and he ran into school, ignoring me. I sped away and to my school, I parked my car very badly and walked in. I wasn't late and went into the cafeteria to see my friends, Ashlyn and Elliana. all of us talked for a bit and thankfully no one mentioned my red cheek that my dad slapped, Elli was oblivious to my home situation and Ash knew not to bring it up unless I did.

"Oh, did I tell you guys I'm finally in a band?" Ash mentioned and Elli and I both said no at the same time "When did this happen?!" Elli asked and they were a lot more energetic than me. I was happy for Ash, she's been wanting to be in a band for a while now, "yep! It's not the best name but it has really good music," She smiled and looked so proud of herself. "Well, don't gatekeep! Tell us what the bands called!" Elli exclaimed and leaned over the table close to Ash, "It's called Loded Diper." She said and I looked at her "A Kid a few houses down drives a van with that spray painted on the side, His and mine brothers are friends" I told her, I sipped my water and she nodded "That's Rodrick, he's the one who created the band and the drummer, we all have practice at his house." she informed.

I made an O with my mouth "You guys should come to our practice this weekend, Rodrick always wants to share the music, he's pretty cool." Ash told us and Elli frowned "I won't be able to go, I have to go with my dad... I don't get why I always have to go to his house, he always makes comments and I know he tries but I hate it..." I patted her back and sighed. Elli was trans, MtF Her mom was the most supportive person but her dad didn't get it, he tried to be supportive but always ended up insulting them. Elliana was an amazing person and she knew she would deal with people like her dad and even worse but it still hurt her. "I'm sorry Elli... Text me if you need anything, same with Ash, text her too." I told her and she nodded. The bell rang and we all got up.

"I have advisory with Mrs. Pearl..." I told them and they shook their heads "I don't have her." Ash sighed "Me neither, I have Mr. Brook." None of us had the same advisory, and none of us had time so we all quickly hugged and walked off to our classes.


FIRST CHAPTER!!! I hope everyone likes it so far and plz tell me if there are any spelling mistakes 🙏 And I will try my best to update this book

<3 Cool_xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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