Chapter 2

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This guy was a massive dickhead. Chase and Kaitlyn said he wasn't like this. They told me he was a kind soul but he obviously isn't.

For the rest of the tour I stayed quiet, afraid to make a peep.

Drew found us and approached us, "Tour done?" he asked.

"Yeah. Finally." Ryan said. Drew rolled his eyes, "Don't be a dick dude." He told Ryan. "Whatever man." Ryan walked off.

Drew sighed and looked at me, "Sorry about him. He's never usually like that." he apologized. I just shrugged, "Meh. He was like this the first time I met him." I replied.

"You've met him before?' Drew questioned. "Unfortunately. My best friend is dating Chase. They took me with them to Ryan's and he refused to even say anything to me or look at me more than once. Very dickish move on his part." I replied. "I will have a talk with him." Drew assured me.

I was able to leave around 4 pm. I headed out and got into my car. I was glad the day was over. Ryan didn't stay all day, which was nice for me because I didn't have to feel on edge all damn day.

After getting home, I took a shower and then called Chase. "Hey Erin, what's up?" he asked.

I sighed, "Stress."

"Why are you stressed? Didn't you just start your internship? How was your first day?" Chased asked.

"Hell. Blaney is a dickhead." I took a drink from the bottle of whiskey in front of me. "Oh good lord, he's still acting that way? I had a talk with him. Must've not gotten through that thick ass head of his." Chase replied. "I can talk to him again." He added.

I knew it wouldn't make a dent, "It would be no use, Chase. Don't waste your breath." I told him. He sighed, "Alright, but let me know if he does anything again." Chase said. "Will do." I replied.

After getting off the phone with Chase, I made some dinner which was some quick mac n cheese, then I went to bed and laid down. I hated being alone. It absolutely sucked. My internship sucked because of one person. I was debating going back tomorrow, but something told me I had to. Maybe if I tried to connect with Ryan, he wouldn't be such a dickhead.

In the morning, I woke up and got ready, made an energy drink and headed to the race shop. My stomach was already rolling.

"You can relax, Crystal. Ryan isn't here today." Drew told me. "Is it that obvious?" I asked. "It is. And I'm sorry Ryan makes you feel that way."

Later on, it's 2 pm and I'm getting ready to leave. I had my bags ready to go and then I saw him and froze. He wasn't supposed to be here today.

I couldn't move as he approached me and I was internally screaming. I was afraid of Ryan Blaney, and did I hate it? Yes.

He stood in front of me, his 5'9" frame towers over my 5'2" frame. The smell of his cologne was stronger than usual. It was hot, but I can't simp for this man.

"I thought you weren't coming today," I said with an attitude.
He smirked then replied, "I wasn't but then I remembered I was missing out on something."

I decided to ask but I knew I'd regret it. "You had no obligations here today, so what could you possibly be missing out on?"

"Bothering you of course." He smirked. I rolled my eyes, "You're ridiculous. Leave me alone." I said.

Ryan smirked again. This man is fucking ridiculous.

I turned around to walk away but someone grabbed my wrist, I turned around and noticed it was Ryan.
"What the fuck do you want from me, Blaney?!" I was pissed. I'm over his dumbass.
"You know what I want," he winked and walked away.

What a fucking moron.

I got home and took a shower before making dinner which consisted of chicken nuggets and an easy mac cup.

I know I shouldn't let work get to me but damn, it's not even work it's the person I work with or for or whatever it is.

I got a FaceTime call from Kaitlyn.

"Hey." I answered.

"Girl. Blaney likes you." Kaitlyn said.

I choked on my Mac n cheese.

"No fucking way. He's a dick. Don't fuck with me." I replied. "Blaney could never like me. He's a heartless asshole who only cares about making my life at work miserable."

"Wellll I overheard Chase on the phone with him and he said he likes this new girl at Penske, so it has to be you, right?" Kaitlyn said.

I shrugged. It's too late for this. "Good night, Kaitlyn."

"Wait Cryst-"

I hung up the phone before she could finish her sentence.

Blaney could never like me. He's hated me since he met me 6 months ago at that party.

Holy shit guys it's an update. It's been over 2 months and I'm sorry but life gets in the way. Anxiety kills motivation and I've been stressed because of work. I'm about to be off of work for 2 months due to the school district I work for going on summer break so I hope to have more updates out this summer!

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