Chapter 3

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Getting up for work was hard. I had to be at Penske to board a plane to Las Vegas by 10 am. I packed a duffel bag with my clothes and toiletries and a backpack that had my laptop, iPad, chargers, and other essential things.

I stopped for coffee and breakfast then got to the race shop. I grabbed my bags and headed in. While walking to the door, I felt someone's presence behind me, so I sped up.

"Whoa, what's the rush?" A voice behind me asked. "What does it matter to you, Blaney?" I asked. "It doesn't but I've decided I'm flying with the team this weekend." He replied. "Oh great.."

After boarding the plane, I sat in a window seat, and Ryan sat in the row across from me. I put my Airpods in and ignored every smirk. The plane had hit some mid-air turbulence, which freaked me out. I put my seatbelt on and gripped the arm rest for comfort.

I noticed Ryan move from his seat to the one next to mine. I looked at him. "Just relax." he put his arm around me and I surprisingly relaxed a ton. His touch was comforting, calm and I didn't hate it. I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep until I was shaken awake.

"Crystal, we're here." The voice said. I opened my eyes and saw Ryan staring at me.

I took my seatbelt off and grabbed my carryon off the upper cabinets; then we got off the plane.

"If you don't wanna stay at the hotel, you can stay with me," Ryan said.

That shocked the shit out of me. Ryan Blaney offering me a spot in his bus??

"Okay, thank you." I kindly accepted.

Ryan smiled and grabbed my suitcase for me.

Once we got to the track, we headed into his bus. "I normally have Sturgill with me but I left him home, my sister is watching him."

Ryan gave me a bus tour. "So the one couch pulls out into a bed and the mattress is super comfortable so you can sleep there," Ryan tells me. "Thank you." I replied.

I put my stuff down and looked at Ryan who was smirking at me.

"What?" I asked.

He didn't say anything but I noticed his eyes were aimed toward a certain area of my body. I looked down and noticed my cleavage was more noticeable and really out there.

"Oh god really Blaney?" I said.

He smirked even more, "You got hot tits,"

"Hey we ain't friends like that. More like acquaintances or colleagues." I tell him.

"We could be more," he said, moving closer to me.

He was tempting. This man did things to me that I couldn't explain. But I knew I couldn't let him least that easily. I had to stand my ground.

"You're disgusting." I rolled my eyes.

Ryan looked down at me, "No. I'm charming and you know it."

I grabbed my hard card, my Lululemon belt bag, and my phone and headed toward the door to the bus.

"Where are you going?" Ryan asked. "None of your business." I replied.

"At least don't go alone wherever you're going." He said. "I'm literally getting an Uber so I can go get food and alcohol." I say.

"Let me go with you," Ryan said.

I finally gave in. "Fine. But you aren't going to be all over me. We're not anything more than what I told you before."

"Wait we should invite Bubba and Chase!" Ryan suggested. That honestly would make me feel better cause it's less of Blaney being a creep.

"Alright do it. I'm gonna change clothes" I tell him. I grab a short black dress with a sweetheart neckline, some black heels, and grab my hair tools and makeup. It doesn't take me long to get ready, and when I come out Ryan's changed clothes too, he's in a gray polo, some black shorts and black Hey Dudes.

His eyes land on me and his jaw drops. I could automatically see him get hard. Black shorts apparently don't hide shit.

"Take a picture it will last longer, speed racer." I smirked. "Also fix yourself." I added.

Ryan's face went red, "Well I don't just get off like that. I need a partner."

"I guess you'll have to just deal with the boner then." I smirked.

Ryan had no comment for that. We headed out and met Bubba, Amanda, Chase and Kaitlyn.

We all piled in the Uber and headed to the strip.

We went into a bar and grill, we ordered food and drinks. After eating, we went to a club, and I was fine with regular alcoholic beverages, but once we started the shots, it caused my life to change forever....

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