Chapter 4

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I woke up with the absolute worst hangover. I've never felt this shitty in my life. I didn't even remember where I was. It was dark wherever I was. Once my eyes finally adjusted to the dark I realized there was someone next to me.

The person next to me started to move around. And then I heard a soft groan. The person flipped toward me and shined his phone flashlight at me. Oh HELL no. I fucking slept with Blaney?!


He got up and flipped the light on. "Well hello beautiful," he smirked.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes. 

Ryan smirked again, "That's no way to speak to your husband," he said.

"You are not my husband. Far from it." I tell him. What's he thinking that I'm his wife? The fuck?

"That beautiful diamond ring on your left ring finger and the black band on my left ring finger says differently," he says.

I looked down. Oh MY FUCK. I can't be married to this dude. I can't be can I?!

"What the fuck?"

I grabbed my phone and looked at it. I had Snapchats like crazy, messages, and photo notifications.

I clicked on the photo app on my phone and looked. "Well I'll be damned...we got married at a chapel."

"Let me see that." Ryan snatched my phone. "Hey!" I said.

"Sh." He shushed me and looked through the photos.

"Oh yeah I remember now.."

Flashback to last night (3rd Person)

"Ryyyyy!" A drunk Crystal sat on the also drunk Ryan Blaney's lap.

"Hey gorgeous what's up?" Ryan slurred his words a bit.

"Oh I was just thinking let's do something stupid, something we might regret but let's be spontaneous." Crystal said. "What were you thinking?" Ryan asked. Crystal giggled, "Let's do one of those fake weddings! You know the ones that don't mean anything?"

Ryan liked the idea, "Alright let's go! But you need a white dress. You're not at a funeral babygirl."

"Buy me one then." She said back.

Ryan paid his tab, which ended up to be $400 because he refused to let Crystal buy her own drinks. 

"We gotta find Bubba and friends." Ryan tells her.

They gathered their friends, they stopped at a 24 hour store and got Crystal a white dress. And then they got rings. Ryan got Crystal a large square diamond with a silver band, and then he got a black Tungsten wedding band.

Once they headed off to the chapel, they put their names in and got settled.

"Before we start, you need to sign this paperwork, it explains that this marriage it is legal and that you agree to matrimony." The officiant said.

Erin and Ryan signed the papers, both too impaired to completely understand. Their friends weren't totally aware either.

"Alright. Let's get started. We are gathered here tonight to celebrate the marriage of Crystal Marie Dawson and Ryan Michael Blaney.
Marriage is the binding of two people who share love for one another and are committed for the rest of their lives."

The officiant stopped a second and looked at the two, "Please face each other and hold hands,"

Crystal and Ryan grabbed each others hands.

"Do you take each other to be your lawfully wedded spouse?"

"We do." Ryan and Crystal said in sync.

"Is there rings?" The officiant asked. "Yeah right here." Chase handed the rings Ryan who held onto Crystal's and gave Crystal his own.

"Ryan take Crystal's hand and place the ring on her left ring finger,"
Ryan does as told.

"Do you Ryan, promise to love Crystal unconditionally, be faithful to her, in good times and in bad, to cherish her and to support her in life and to always put her needs before your own?" The officiant asked.

Ryan smiled, "I do,"

"Crystal, take Ryan's hand and place the ring on his left ring finger,"

Crystal placed the ring on Ryan's finger.

"Do you Crystal, promise to love Crystal unconditionally, be faithful to her, in good times and in bad, to cherish her and to support her in life and to always put her needs before your own?"

Crystal smiled, "I do,"

"Crystal and Ryan, by the power vested in me, and the State of Nevada I now pronounce you officially married! You may kiss your bride, Ryan."

Ryan took Crystal and kissed her passionately.

I looked at Ryan, "Good god I can't believe Chase got it all on video."

"Well we will never forget now," Ryan said.  "But my question is, do you want to stay married?"

"Uh do you?" I asked.

"I do if you want to," Ryan said to me. "I really love you Crystal. Despite being an ass in the past, it's just I didn't know how to tell you I liked you. I was too afraid you were out of my league. I loved you the minute I saw you." He added.

I looked at him, "I felt the same way but didn't like how you were such a dick. But now hearing that you didn't know how to approach me, I can stop hating you." I looked up at him. "So yes, I want to stay married. We can ge to know each other and figure this marriage thing out. Cause maybe it was fate."

Ryan smiled and kissed me. "Let's go shower, we had a lot of sex last night."

We went off to shower.

I couldn't believe this. My name is now Crystal Marie Blaney. Wow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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