Imagine Part #4: Lost

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When you awakened from being knocked out, your eyes adjusted at what seemed to be a completely different place than you haven't been before.

It seemed like an eerie place, full of small desks and chairs, like an elementary school.

Your eyes scanned the room, and from the corner of your eye, you saw what seemed Harry, getting up while holding on to a desk.

"Harry!!" you said.

"(Y/n)!!??" Harry said as he scanned the room looking for you. His eyes didn't seem to be adjusted to the darkness yet.

You ran towards him and hugged him.

"Harry are you alright!?" you said.

"Yeah... Just... Where the hell are we, (y/n)?" he said.

"I don't know." you said. "It looks like an elementary school to me."

You both scanned the classroom.

Harry got up and tried to bust a window with a chair but failed.

"What the hell?" he said "it won't fucking open."

You looked out the other window.

"There's nothing but trees... A school in the middle of a forest?" you said. "Even if we do get out, there'd be no finding our way out from that forest."

"You're right." said Harry " let's take a look around this place."

You both decided to leave the room and head out the hallway.


Your POV

I didn't know what to think of this. Had we been abducted? What the hell is this place? How is Harry involved in this? Are the others here as well?

I turned around to see Harry as we continued to walk amongst the hallway.

"Harry." I said "do u think there's a way of getting out of here?"

"I'm sure there is. Somewhere." Harry said.

As we continued to walk deeper and deeper into the hallway, an indescribable smell reached our noses and Harry and I made a grossed out face expression.

As we got closer to the source of the smell, it got stronger and stronger until... We saw it.

The dead body of a young girl, no more than 17 years of age, lying on the broken floor boards. Her body severely mutilated and hear intestines neatly placed on the side of her body as her stomach remained opened.

Harry and I both screamed as he covered my eyes and walked me away from the body.

"(Y/n) what is this place!!??" Harry whispered loudly.

"I don't know, but someone is here. Someone is killing everyone!!" I said.

"We have to continue looking for a way out before we end up like her. Come on." Harry said.

We continued to walk, hoping we might find the others (alive) and find our way out of this hell.



As you and Harry walked along, you found a staircase leading down into another hallway. You both walked down, still passing through dead bodies. You both found yourselves in front of an open classroom and walked in to see if you could find any of the lads inside. You scanned the room carefully.

"(Y/n) look at this." Harry said.

He picked up a piece of paper and started reading it.

" An abominable crime has been committed at Heavenly Host Elementary School. For one month, there were reports of what the town now calls the Sereal Child Disappearances. The authorities have declared the investigation closed. It ended in the worst way imaginable.
On September 18th, 1973, at around 7 p.m., local law enforcement found the corpses of the missing children along with a faculty member in the vicinity, holding bloody scissors and staring into the distance absent-minded. He was arrested."

"Wow." you said. "That's... Horrible."

"Yes. It is, (y/n)." Harry said. "Lets keep on searching for an exit or for the lads if they're here."

You walked out of the classroom and continued your search.


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