luke, reggie, alex | grateful

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o. A moment spent with Luke, Reggie, and Alex atop the Orpheum sign after you all return as ghosts together.

warnings: um, nothing really, just comfort. Anxiety mention.

A-n: Platonic!SunsetCurve comfort. Although, if you really wanted to, you could see Luke and Reader as romantic, lol.


The sound of oncoming traffic could be heard below you, as you sat with legs dangling over the front of the Orpeum’s sign. You let out a sigh, staring into the far distance of Los Angeles. Eyes' solemn as you attempted to calm the raging anxiety inside of you. It was all a very big change for you and your best friends.

One moment, you're alive, and you're breathing about to perform the biggest gig of your lives with four of your best friends. One that could have boosted your careers. Then, the next four out of five members of Sunset Curve are succumbing to a horrible fate. 

It was weird. A tragic incident of tainted hotdogs that became your downfall. You, oddly enough, found yourself missing the feeling of being alive. You'd honestly be lying to yourself if you said you didn't wish that you had not eaten that stupid hot dog. 

Allowing another sigh to fall past your lips as you continued to lose yourself in thought, you failed to notice the sound of someone(or three someone’s) poofing in from behind you. Until they'd managed to adjust themselves onto the sign near you. 

You peeked your eyes towards the figures who'd just joined you, only to meet the eyes of Luke, then Reggie and Alex. Who had already locked their gazes into you themselves, a small smile of worry barely appearing onto their features.

"Are you ok?" Alex hesitantly asked, watching as you carefully began fiddling with the.

"Fine. Just confused is all." You managed to say, allowing yourself to turn towards the blonde boy, who now sat beside you. Luke and Reggie seated themselves on your other side. "Like, I guess I should be grateful that we technically have a second chance, but i wish people could—" 

"See us? Hear us?" Luke had cut you off suddenly, moving his own gaze from you and onto the wide landscape of Los Angeles before you all. 

You just nodded and once again dropped your gaze from them, allowing your hands to rest comfortably in your lap. You did wish people could see and hear you more, and not just when you played your instruments. 

Luke was right about that. It just sucked that you were not able to be viewed or heard by anyone, except Julie Molina, the girl who’s studio you'd all appeared in. 

It was then quiet for a few minutes, with the four of you spending time looking over the crowds, chatting, and walking below the Orpheum sign. In that time, the three boyshad managed to move in a little closer to you. A brief feeling of hesitance washed over their features as they tried to work out what to do or say next. 

Noticing this, you set a small smile in the direction of each of them, one-by-one. If you were alive, a sudden wave of tiredness probably would’ve hit you right about now. You gently allowed your head to fall onto the shoulder of the closest to you, who just so happened to be Luke. His arm instinctively wrapped around you as you, in return for your action. 

The four of you stayed like that basking in each other's company for the remainder or that night. Allowing yourselves to forget, almost briefly, of what had you so worried then, and for a moment you felt normal, with the boys by you. 

You instantly felt grateful to spend that moment with your boys, the ones who you had always found comfort with the most. You were glad that at least you weren't alone in death. 


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