peter parker | little love notes

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warnings: none. just fluff and adorable petey <3

a-n: i couldnt decide who i wanted to write this for between Peter Parker and Jughead Jones, because i honestly felt like this idea suited both of them. But i finally decided on doing this for Peter.

word count: 1490 words


I know, this seems like one of those clichè secret admirer things. But i like you and im not sure how else to express my feelings towards you, Y/n. Everytime i see you, its like butterflies suddenly erupt in the pit of my stomach. My cheeks heat up so quickly that they resemble a tomato. Its like i can't form any words to say when im around you. You're just so breathtaking, and im scared if that you ever knew who i am. That you'd reject me, and possibly hate me. I don't think my heart could take that at all.

Love your Secret admirer

You blushed at the words written on the little post-it note slipped into the inside of your locker that morning before school. Little butterflies felt like they were flying all through your stomach. At first you were confused when you saw the note. You were confused to why somebody would send you something like this. But then, you thought it could possibly just be a joke. A joke that Flash had played on you.

Stuffing the note into your pocket suddenly, you then turned around and headed towards your first class of the day. Your long h/c hair gently lay down below your shoulders, in little wringlets as you walked. Bag also slung over one of your shoulders. Totally oblivious to the lovestruck gaze a certain spider had locked onto your figure as you walked away. Your small heels clicking against the school hallways as you continued past the many metal lockers. Chatter could be heard all around you.

Peter Parker's heart was beating out his chest rapidly, as he dreamily stared towards you. His palms were pretty sweaty and heat dusted across his cheeks. Peter was in some sort of dreamlike trance. A trance that he was only able to break out of, as soon as the bell rang around him.

Once the brown-haired male did end up breaking his gaze from where your figure once stood. He collected his belongings out of his locker and walked in the opposite direction to his own class, with Ned. Zoning in and out of conversation with his best friend, as his thoughts continued to draw back to you. Your hair, figure, personality and your laugh. Everything about you, in Peter's opinion was absolutely perfect. The boy was completely head-over-heels in love with you.


" don't have any idea of who's sending these notes?" Michelle Jones or MJ as she preferred to go by. And your best friend, questioned you.

It was the next day, at about lunchtime and you two were stuck in conversation about who your secret admirer was. At first you thought it was Flash Thompson, but he seemed like the type to just confess in person. Then you thought Brad Davis, but he also seemed like somebody to just confess in person.

"I already told you, Michelle." you sighed, poking slightly at the food on your lunch tray. "I don't know who's sending them."

MJ just ignored what you said before her eyes suddenly drifted around the cafeteria, and at all the tables. As if she was looking for something, or someone. Her gaze soon locked onto a certain brown haired male sitting on the opposite side of the room. He was only half-listening into his friend's conversation, as he had directed his gaze onto a certain girl beside MJ herself.

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