draco malfoy | cheater

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warnings: little angst/sadness....jerk bestfriend....

a-n: this also very old....so cringe alert.


Your POV:


As I walked down the corridor from the library and back to my common room I soon heard the sound of voices coming from a nearby broom closet. Once I heard this I decided to go investigate the noises.

Quietly, I made my way over to the door before I turned the doorknob and opened it. Once I had opened the door to the broom closet, the sight in front of me I saw I didn't expect. The very sight of my boyfriend Draco Malfoy and best friend f/n snogging.

I tapped my foot on the corridor flooring whilst I crossed both my arms hoping they'd turn around and notice my presence. Luckily, they did when I began to tap my foot on the ground repeatedly.

"Wow. I didn't know you were seeing my best friend behind my back....Malfoy." I spat out towards my boyfriend who was now looking at me with wide-eyes along with my best friend-or should I say ex-best friend.

Right after said that I stormed off, ripping the heart locket he had gifted me for Christmas last year off of my neck and chucking it onto the ground.

How could he? Was he just using me to get close to f/n? Or did he just get sick of me? Those same questions kept whizzing around my thoughts just as I had face planted onto my bed in my dorm room.

Tears soon flowed right down my cheeks as I cried myself to sleep that night.


Draco's POV: [Before you catch him cheating on you]


I walked out of the Slytherin Common Room to go for a late night walk when suddenly I felt a hand pull me into a nearby broom closet. Then just as I was pulled in I took a good look at the person's facial details. She appeared to have f/h/c hair and f/e/c eyes which started to stare into my steel grey orbs. I then realised that this female in front of me is in fact f/n, y/n's best friend.

Why did she pull me in here? I was soon knocked out of my thoughts by f/n's lips connecting with mine. Shit. I moved my hands to her chest and began to push to try and separate us but she wouldn't budge instead she wrapped her arms around my neck and continued to snog me on the lips.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of a foot tapping on the flooring and she pulled away from me so she could see who it was. It wasn't until I saw the h/c hair and e/c eyes that I knew exactly who it was. It was my girlfriend, y/n. Shit again.

"Wow. I didn't know you were seeing my best friend behind my back...Malfoy." She spat towards me before storming off back to what I assumed to be her common room.

I quickly shoved f/n away and sprinted out the closet and in the direction y/n had went. I need to explain to her. Just as I reached outside of her common room I spotted the heart locket I gifted her for Christmas last year laying upon the ground so I quickly ran over and shoved it into my pocket. Before knocking loudly on the common room portrait.

She didn't come out.

So I waited till morning for her to come out of the portrait hole and take her to a closet so I could explain what had happened with me and her best friend.


Your POV: [the next morning]


I woke up at the time I usually wake up at, wiping the stray tears which still were falling down my cheeks and went to the bathroom to get changed into my y/h robes for the day.

Before I then did my hair and made my way downstairs and out the portrait hole for breakfast. Trying my best to ignore Draco---I mean Malfoy on my way there.

But luck wasn't on my side today. Because unfortunately for me I just had to be dragged into a broom closet by the very person I don't want to see today.

"Why'd you drag me here, Malfoy?" I questioned. As I crossed my arms over my chest in the process.

"I wanted to explain to you what happened last night. So please just listen." He begged me.

"Ugh....fine. But hurry up because I'm hungry."

"So....about last night. I was walking out of the Slytherin Common Room for a late night walk when your best friend f/n grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me into that broom closet. At first I didn't know what she wanted until she connected her lips with mine. I tried my best to push her away but she wasn't budging and instead wrapped her arms around my neck." He continued. "Then, that was when you came and saw us. After you stormed off though I then shoved her away and ran after you to apologise. So I'm sorry, please forgive me."

I thought for moment before I leant forward and connected my lips with his. He kissed back, before we both had broken apart from the kiss.

"So do you forgive me?" he asked hopefully.

"Yes. I love you, Draco."



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