Chapter 4 Part 3 'Manipulative'

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Cyan's mother went a bit wide-eyed. "Oh-!" She quickly stepped back out, shutting the door. "I just wanted to know when Blue was going to go home..!"

Cyan looked at Blue then the door, he pushed Blue back a bit, letting go of him. "Soon..!"

"Okay!" The sound of creaking fast steps could be heard fading away.

Again they were interrupted, this time she didn't knock though, catching them in a moment Blue wanted private, she was getting on his nerves.

How Cyan's hand rested on his chest only to push him away, almost as if he was ashamed to be with him. Was he..?

"I'm sorry.. I'll go now," Blue spoke, turning around and bending down, quickly putting his backpack straps over his shoulders.

"I- I'm sure they're supportive of us..! It's not like they'll be mad! Only mad I didn't tell them!" Cyan put a hand on Blue's arm.

Blue quickly looked over and down at Cyan, he blinked a few times. "It's not that I'm scared they'll be mad- I'm scared they won't want you to be with me.. Not because- We're two guys, but because it's a relationship."

Cyan frowned, resending his hand and rubbing the back of his hand. "I- I mentioned Pink in a loving sense, how I wanted to be her boyfriend.. She seems fine with me being in a relationship. As long as I'm being safe and comfortable in them."

God that's a gut punch..


"She seemed-"

"When will you get over her.. Am I just some replacement for her.. All you've done is- is talk about her-! All week you've tried to talk about her." He sounded a bit annoyed.

It was true, outside Cyan tried to mention her, he mentioned her at school, saying how sad it was she wasn't there for class.

He mentioned how Pink's friends were staring at him at school, how much he missed her and felt sorry for her parents.

It was constant.

To much for him, and now he's mentioning her again.

Blue yelled, anger flashing in his eyes, a glare on his face. Anger, no, frustration. He'd never be angry at Cyan, frustrated but he could never hate something Cyan directed towards him.

Even if Cyan hated him, that's better than nothing from him.

Cyan frowned "It's not like that..!" Was it? Is he over Pink yet? He raised his hands, a little defensive. "Where's this coming from.."

Blue huffed once. "I- I- Everything I've done for you.. And you can't get over someone you were never even in a relationship with-!"

He shouldn't have said that probably, he let himself slip off his plan of what he was trying to do here.

Cyan went wide-eyed, offended suddenly.

How would you feel if the person you're obsessed with kept mentioning the person you killed, the person you hate. His late love, his missing love he is still craving.

Why can't it be- Him hung up on that head of his. Why is this obsession going towards HER and not HIM.

Blue was sure people were suspicious, but what did anyone have against him? Not Cyan, not Purple, not his father. He is.. FREE.

Free to do as he pleases, and what he wants he gets! Cyan was his! By right! Not Pinks! He killed her weeks ago, hasn't dreamt of her in so long, and yet he's still haunted by her.

Why does this keep happening, everything goes well then suddenly he messes it up. Lazy, forgetfulness, not smart enough, doubtful thinking.

Now he simply just didn't kill Pink fast enough, soon enough, Cyan's love festered when he didn't know it, and wasn't aware.

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