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I woke up when i heard my alarm clock, I still have no work since i'm still taking of Tiana or should i say Penelope. I turn around and saw Kinn sleeping. I smile as i get up to get ready for another day.

After shower and wear a simple clothes, I decide what to cook for breakfast while cooking, I heard a voice. It was Penelope. She just woke up and walk towards me.

"Mama, Hungry" She said and i chuckle as i kiss her forehead. "Wake your daddy, Mama,is still cooking" i said and she nodded as she run in my room.

I continue cooking, after that, i prepared it at the table and saw Kinn and Penelope, walking towards me and gave me a goodmorning kiss.

We ate breakfast and after that, We take a bath after, Kinn said he willl go to his company so i agree since i'll decide to walk Penelope around so she wouldn't be bored.

"Tomorrow are you ready to go back?" Kinn ask me and i nodded., "By the way, can Pete and Tay, Take care of Penelope?" i ask and he nodded while smiling. 2 hours later, he left and i look at Penelope she was sleeping.

I caressed her hair and smile sadly, she doesn't deseeve a mother like Tawan. How could he treat her like that.


"Kinn" Tawan called on him, Kinn turn and saw Tawan. He walk towardd him, "I-im sorry, Please, l-let's find our daughter" Tawan said.

Kinn just gave him a glare and walk away, "I don't give a f*ck" He said while Tawan keep apologiesing and following him.

"Get the f*ck out of my office" Kinn yelled.

"K-kinn, I-i'm sorry please, forgive me" Tawan said and smile at him. Kinn called the security guard and order them to drag Tawan away.

"Dammit" Tawan curse as he left the company and called his lover. While walking, He saw Porsche with a little girl, without thinking he approache him and smirk.

"Oh, It's Kinn Secretary" He said and Porsche turn while the little girl, he didn't recognize hide behind Porsche. "Tf, do you want?" Porsche said and rolled his eyes.

"Nothing, Just making ur day bad, and who is that little girl over there" Tawan said while smirking. Penelope show up and smile.

"I'm Penelope, Papa Porsche's daughter" She said and smile. Porsche smirk. Tawan being dump, didn't recognize his own daughter. He just left.

"He didn't recognize his own daughter" Porsche thought while looking at Tawan walking away.

- To Be Continued.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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