𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟓~🥀𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐲𝐦𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭🥀

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"Day two of trying to befriend the very stubborn radio demon!" I announced into my phone mic. "Nah, that's no good...ahem, DAY TWO OF TRYING TO BEFR—"

"Y/N, you better shut the fuck up before I do it myself!" Valentino yelled from the room across.

Shit too loud...

"Sorry Val!"

"Go fuck yourself!"

"Yeah, we all know you'll do that soon..." I mumbled.

"What was that?!"

"Nothing!" I replied sweetly. I heard a knock at my door.

"Val, I am going to FUCK YOU UP if you don't leave me alone in 5...4...321!" I swung the door open.

"Woah! Woah! Don't shoot! I come un-armed!" Vox said with his hands raised.

"Oh, it's just you," I said, closing the door. "Thought you were Val..."

He shrugged. "Hm, that was a valid response," he chuckled. "Except I would've used the bug spray."

I let out a small laugh. "I'll take note of that."

"So um...Y/N, babe...what were you saying into your phone?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

I blushed in embarrassment. "Um...nothing too important Vox. Just my audio journal," I said, holding up my phone.

He squinted at it. "So...you just talk into it?"

I chuckled. "Yeah, I just 'talk into it'," I said with a grin.

He shrugged. "And you just happened to be talking about Alastor?" He asked, giving me a knowing look.

"Uhm..." I paused. "Yeah."

Vox sighed, sitting on the bed next to me. "I thought we agreed that we weren't going to engage with him," he said, giving me a knowing look.

"I know! I know! But you know how I am. I try to befriend everyone," I said bashfully.

Vox sighed. "I know, Y/N. But you have to respect that not everyone is going to like you. You know that, right?"

I looked down glumly. "I do...but it's worth a shot!" I said.

Vox chuckled. "You know, that's what I like about you," he said with a light blush.

I grinned. "Well I like how you respect my decisions!" I said. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go negotiate with the enemy," I joked, motioning Vox to leave.

He laughed. "Wait, what?"

I smirked. "Sorry not sorry. I can't let things go, remember?"

Vox sighed. "Fine, make good choices. Or at least not stupid ones," he said.

"Oh you know I can't promise that," I joked.

"Yeah...I do."

"Exactly! Bye Voxy!" I said, giving him a peck on the head and walking out the door.

"Bye..." he said, waving me off.


-Vox's POV-

I felt my face heat up in a blush as Y/N left the room, running off to go hang out with her other friends. I touched the spot on my head she kissed, blushing to myself.

I couldn't help but feel a singe of jealousy whenever she hung out with anyone else. Let alone other guys.

But I've always managed to keep my cool. She always assures me that I'm one of her closest friends despite me wanting...something more than that.

I know she'd never like me that way, though. And that's what pains me the most out of all of it. I've tried many times to try to get over my feelings, and every time, I always end up going back to her. Because I really, truly care about her.

So someone as arrogant as the radio demon shouldn't have the privilege of even being able to look at her! It upsets me how much Y/N doesn't realize her full potential. She knows very well how powerful she is, yet even knowing that, she still tries to befriend every demon she sees hope in, no matter who they are or what their status is.

I hate that about her so much...it's one of the things that attracts me to her above everything else.

Her smile, her hair, her skin, her eyes, her lips, her...her...oh god...I'm getting all caught up in my feelings again, aren't I?

Collecting myself, I let out a small laugh. But not one of happiness or humor, but more one of muffled pain as I bury my face in my hands.

Jesus Christ Y/N...what have you done to me?

The once collected, serious, and powerful overlord Vox, founder of Voxtech...has formed into a puddle of melted, sappy feelings all for a girl.

I exhaled. Well, I'd rather it be Y/N than anyone else...because she's not just "a girl."

She's smart and funny and kind...and she cares about me. Me!!

I know I don't deserve someone as wonderful as her...but I sure deserve her more than that shit, Alastor does!

I sigh. I suppose there's nothing I can do about it. She's off with someone who's no good for her and there's nothing I can do to change her mind. Back to square one;

As far away as one could be from the person they love. I've obsessed, stressed, and cried myself to sleep over her numerous times...

And she doesn't even know it.

Because why would you pain someone with the weight that you carry? When you ask yourself every night why you could ever love someone who doesn't love you back.

And I've thought long and hard about it.

I simply love her too much to care.

(End of part 2)


A/N: Season 1 is all done! In a few days I'll release the sneak peek for season 2! It'll have more context of how this'll work

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A/N: Season 1 is all done! In a few days I'll release the sneak peek for season 2! It'll have more context of how this'll work.

Also I was thinking...Vivziepop announced that Vox would be the main villain in season 2...does that mean he'll be killed off?! 😭

If she kills him off, she'll have a lot of angry Vox simps knocking at her door...😶


~earth_angel17 🌺

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