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Jungkook squeezed her neck to fit perfectly within the span of his hands just to the verge of suffocation then let go

She panted for air for a while and stuttered as she felt Jungkook's hands tightening again on his neck, 'you...... You..... You..... You do..... do..,.......don't....... Have to hurt...... mmmm........... Me. You can take whatever you want '

Jungkook squeezed him tightly and spoke deeply, 'You better beg for a merciful death instead little girl, I might stop myself from ravishing you before you kick the bucket girlie' he said, his eyes threatening her by the way they darted to her shaky legs

She slipped a tear her eyes sorrowful even more

Jungkook loosened his grip a bit, 'C'mon, beg for mercy'

Jimin shakily spoke with hesitancy, 'I..... I........ I'm not a girl '

Jungkook found it hilarious that the girl was using her one chance to plead with him to lie, 'Interesting......... Do you want to lie to ME girlie? HUH?? ' he forcefully ripped the lacy nightie and froze in shock

The girl's chest was bare, 'No way........ ' he said as he was about to peek underneath her or rather His panties

'LEAVE MY SON ALONE! LEAVE HIM!! WHO ARE YOU!??' Dr. Park who had just woken up yelled loudly though fearful

He was charging towards Jungkook in rage, hands fisted firmly, ready to fight the masked intruder

Jungkook was amused by Dr. Park's zeal to fight him

He turned to face Dr. Park and swiftly dodged every punch and kick directed at him with much boredom

It would've been more exciting if Dr. Park wasn't too predictable, throwing each punch or kick like a rhythmic fighter robot

He knocked Dr. Park down with one surprise kick in Dr. Park's crouch

Dr. Park winced in pain as he retreated a bit

'I don't have much time old man, so I'll get to the point. I need the birth details of President Gaeum's mistresses who you attended on 4 December 1992 and the other one on 18 February 1994'

Dr. Park stammered, 'I....... I....... don't........ don't..,... Know what you....... are talking about

Jungkook took one of his small pointy knives and stabbed Dr. Park's shoulder

'ARGH!! ' Dr. Park screamed

Jimin cried helplessly, hardly able to loosen himself from the cuffs in his chair, 'STOP!! PLEASE STOP IT! '

Jimin's younger brother who had just woken up sobbed quietly and fearfully in his chair

Jungkook took another knife, hardly fazed by the desperate cries of Dr. Park and his kids

'Where should I put my next knife? Here or here? ' Jungkook asked in a humming tone pointing his knife at Dr. Park's eyes and then his hands

Dr. Park trembled to the intruder's threat yet he spoke boldly, 'I swore an oath not to harm......,...,.. ARGH!!!! ' he screamed as Jungkook jabbed a knife through his hand glaring at Dr. Park without a hint of remorse in his eyes

'Give me the names' Jungkook yelled and kicked Dr. Park's shin bones ruthlessly and repeatedly for a while

Mrs Park awoke to wailing as she witnessed the ruthless intruder kicking his husband

Jungkook turned to face her, her cries kinda irritated him, 'SHUT UP!! ' he voiced aloud threatening to slap her

Mrs. Park obliged at once, she quivered to herself instead

Jungkook walked towards her as Dr. Park pleaded, 'No, no, please just kill me. Please just kill me, she doesn't know anything '

Jungkook wasn't one to be reasoned with, he kept taking steps toward Mrs Park

He knew if he kept stabbing Dr. Park he was likely going to bleed a lot, go into shock, and be knocked out of consciousness, so his next move was to threaten the lives of those dear to Dr. Park - his family

'Leave her alone. Please! Please! Please just hurt me instead' Jimin begged as Jungkook took out long thick needles

Jungkook charged toward Jimin tenaciously, 'It's my pleasure to hurt you, kid'

He warned Dr. Park as he dipped a needle in some stenchy liquid that Dr. Park smelt and recognized, as a lethal poison, 'Tell me what I want or the kid dies'

Dr. Park desperately knelt and pleaded with Jungkook to not use the poison on Jimin but he didn't heed the plea

Jimin instantly felt dizzy as Jungkook pricked him with the needle on his wrist

Dr. Park wept in devastation, the very state Jungkook had yearned for

He showed a vial of antidote to the doctor, 'This is the 1st dose of antidote, give me the details I need so your kid lives. I promise I'll send the 2nd dose after verifying you gave me what I need'

'Okay, okay. I swear I'll give you, just give him the antidote first' Dr. Park begged since he knew the poison was fast-acting

Jimin wasn't going to last 10 minutes

'Tick Tock, Tick Tock. You better hurry up with what I need or else the kid dies' Jungkook threatened, handing Dr. Park his iPad so he could log into his patients' registers

Dr. Park fumbled as quickly as he could, though his knife-stabbed hand hurt like hell

Mrs Park could see Jimin gradually struggle to breathe

Jungkook impatiently paced about threatening Dr. Park more

'You better give me everything I need or else the kid dies!! I won't send the 2nd dose if you leave ANY details out! '

Mrs Park reasoned with Jungkook as she observed Jimin's wheezing getting worse by the minute

'Son! Calm down! I promise my husband will give you what you need....... just...... please............. '

'SHUT UP!!!!! ' Jungkook yelled and punched a wall, Mrs Park's voice just sounded irritating to him

Mrs Park hesitantly spoke in a quavery tone, 'Son, please calm down. Help my Jimin please' in her desperate attempt to save his son's life

Jungkook punched the wall again, 'Just Shut up Woman!! ' he shouted

Echoes of those words started replaying in his ears over and over again uncontrollably as he paced about

'Just Shut up Woman! ' Jungkook started repeating to himself getting quite agitated

A vivid memory came to Jungkook's mind for a second

There he was, a small boy huddled onto a woman meanwhile a man yelled to the woman 'JUST SHUT UP WOMAN!!! '

The woman had kept her arms tightly wrapped around him begging the yelling man to relax but the man grabbed little boy Jungkook away from the woman

Jungkook was brought back to reality by Mrs Park's voice, 'Son, calm down'

Jungkook realized he had been punching the wall repeatedly absent-mindedly as he was having his memory flashback

'Huh..... What?........ ' Jungkook was confused

What had just happened to him?

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