Chapter 14: Revealing his Scars

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As dusk faded into the night, I realized how many hours have passed since Danny had left to do...whatever she wanted to do with that new kid. Whatever it was, I didn't really care all that much. Even though it would be nice to have her to talk to, it's nice to have a little quiet time without her childish (yet accurate...) jokes. Besides, I'm sure she's fine.

Danny bursted through the cabin door like she just got off of work. She looked rather tired and drained of energy.

"I'm guessing your date didn't go well?" I teased. Danny just ignored me and made her way to her bunk. "So, what all happened?"

"Hardly anything..." she groaned. "I barely got any information on what I wanted to know about him. But all I got was where he's from and that he has yet to eat at a restaurant."

"Wait, what?"

"Anyway," she said, ignoring my question, "whatever I wanted to know about him hasn't been said yet."

"What do you mean 'yet'? Is he going to tell you whatever you want to know?"

A smirk formed on her face. "Maybe he will, maybe he won't."

Before I could ask her what she meant, the dinner horn was heard outside the cabin. Danny shot up from her bed.

"Wait, it's dinner time already?" Danny asked.

"What world were you living in?" I sarcastically asked. "You were gone for hours - we've already taken all of our showers while you were gone."

"Was I really gone for that long?"

"Yeah, you were. Matter of fact, go on ahead and take a shower. 'Cause there's no way we're sleeping with the scent of a salon in here."

Danny groaned. "Are you really going to make me take a cold shower..."

"Well, you should've been here hours ago when the new kid offered the hot water to us."

"Wait, he offered us hot water?"

(time to fight fire with fire)

"No, no, no. He offered us hot water. You weren't here for the most paranoid reason."

"I am not paranoid!" Danny huffed.

"Yeah, sure you're not." I began to follow the other hunters out of the cabin. "Come find us when you're done bathing and sulking." With that said, I shut the door, giving her a familiar feeling she gave me recently.


Our offerings had been made and the hunters and I had taken our seats at our table. Danny joined shortly after with her nightwear on and her hair dampened and dripping wet.

"You know, nobody was rushing you to get out," I told her.

"I was hungry and didn't want to dry my hair," she said. "Besides, it's better off to air dry."

"Whatever you say, thorn throat." My nickname earned a giggle or two from the other hunters.

As I dug into my brisket, the group and I were shortly interrupted by the new kid. He looked like he was hiding something behind his back.

"May I help you?" I asked.

"I-I was wondering if I could talk to her." He pointed at Danny. She looked rather shocked at his request.

"What do you want to do with me?" She said, standing up. She placed her hands on her hips in a sassy manner - ready to possibly insult the kid or hurt his feelings.

"I-I was wanting to apologize for hurting you earlier today... Or anyone else at this table." All of the hunters attention turned to him. "I-I know that it's not fun to get hurt. So, I wanted to apologize for inflicting pain on people who don't deserve it. And since people said you gals have trust problems, I made you this."

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