durable (-Mr. E)

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It was an hour after Cryptor was repaired, and everyone was let known of our 'story' and how we needed up here, and how we were sided with them. It was a little while til Cryptor actually was fixed and got to his feet.

He was shinier, the same black metal, but higher quality, newer. For a nindroid as dated as him, it's good he finally got upgrades.

He kept asking Pixal if she put anything weird in him, but she stopped telling him 'to trust her' after the 5th time. He stood by me as we and the Ninja watched Garmadon train Lloyd in the way of the Oni. Though it seemed more like he was bullying Lloyd.

I turned to Cryptor.

'You seem happy.' I hand signed.

"Well yeah." He laughed. "Look at me!"

'Now you aren't as fragile.' I said, signing.

"Oh shut up, I was the strongest nindroid there was when I was still alive, not my fault there's been mechanical advancements." He shrugged.

I nodded.

'I should get upgraded too' I signed.

"Nah, you're modern enough not to need anything." He said.

'You just want to be special.'

He pushed me, not angrily, just in annoyance.

"Your visor could use work, there's a crack on the lower left corner."

I put my hand up to my helmet's visor. How did I not notice it?

"Kidding." He laughed.

I punched him in the arm. Barely moved him.

We both stared. Then he started laughing.

"Guess I am stronger, aren't I?" He said. "Actually maybe durable is the word."

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