Min-droid (-m?n-d?o?d)

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I was walking by when someone swooped down and picked me up! I kicked and beeped. They were wearing these robotic tentacles and a weird hat.

"Hahaha! I can't believe I caught him! The overlord is gonna love this!" He laughed.

The overlord? Hm. I guess he was reanimated. Wait, am I being brought back to the overlord to reunite with the army or...

No... the army's gone, if they were still here, I'd see them around the city. I think the only one left.

I kept beeping at him.

"Ay! Stop that! Listen, Mr Cryptor, I don't care what you say, but you sure won't keep me from bringing you to Harumi!"

Cryptor? Oh. No this guy was mistaken! Ha! Can't he see? I'm clearly half Cryptors size. (Not that that makes me weak.) and also... I don't have swords or extra armour like Cryptor has. This guys clearly has a screw loose.

He ends up bringing me to a big dark island in the sky. It was his base I think. He's stopped by a girl with white hair.

"Mechanic, what have you found..?" She asks.

"I found Cryptor!" He laughs, his metal arms move me over to the girl. We both stare at each other in confusion.

"Did he get... shorter..?" She mumbled.

"IM NOT SHORT! IM NOT CRYPTOR!" I said, my voice high pitched. She took a step back as I flapped my arms around.

"Oh. This isn't him." She said.

"What if he's lying..?" The guy who took me, said. The girl tilted her head.

"Hello... my name... is... Ha-ru-mi..." she said slowly. I kicked her in the jaw from where I could reach.

"IM NOT A CHILD!! IM MIN-DROID!" I yelled. She rubbed the side of her face.

"Min-droid..?" She wondered. "Strange, we'll go ask the overlord about you."

I scowled and beeped, still trying to wrestle out of the metal arms grips. I was loosing.

"Wait... so this isn't Cryptor..?"

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