Tam's moving out

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L: Girl I'm gonna shower you with love and that's final.
Ta: Yes ma'am.

Tamara picks up a box and goes to her room but she hesitated, she needed to know it for sure.

Ta: Hey did Tim really get kicked out of metro?

The face of both of them changes, Lucy didn't like to talk about him anymore, he still had her heart after breaking it into a million pieces. 

L: Yeah, he did.

Lucy's heart broke a little more, now fully realising that the 5-player trade had cost her her career as a detective. Tamara goes to her room upset with the box still in her hands. She was about to move out and he didn't even know... in the past chapter they went through, Tim meant more to her than just "the boyfriend of her roommate". He had to know, when Tamara closed her door she had already her phone in her hand dialing Tim's number.
"This is Bradford, I'm not available right now, you know what to do", that followed with a long beep was all she got. She figured to let him know over voicemail so she just left her message.

Ta: Hey Tim, it's Tamara... Uh I was calling you to let you know that I'm moving out, thanks for everything. 

She whispered a quick and soft "I miss you" after she left her message she hung up.
Tamara just grabbed another box and filled it with stuff she was going to take to the shared house.


Tim's pov:

It was a week ago that I broke up with Lucy. I got put back to patrol, my performances were gone and I didn't even hear once from Lucy nor Tamara.
Right before I got into roll call I put my phone on silent so messages that would come through didn't. Grey didn't have much to say but roll call was short, after I immediately went to my office and started to pack some more stuff.
*Knock knock*
Grey came into my office showing he had one of those "Grey talks", he had put me up with a ride along with doctor London, I knew Aaron was seeing her too so after a lot of not agreeing with Grey, I chose Aaron to ride with me as my gopher. When Grey got out I got myself ready for shift and checked my phone one last time before heading out. "one missed call from Tam" I read, was she in danger? Did something happen to Lucy?. A million questions came to my mind, I went to my voicemails to check if she left a message. "Hey Tim, it's Tamara... Uh I was calling you to let you know that I'm moving out, thanks for everything." my heart made a jump of happines but also guilt, I fucked up that girl and now I can't even fix it. I just went to John to ask where Tamara would have her party and then went on patrol. 

J: Her party is at the bar down town.
T: Thanks.

After shift:
Normal pov:

It was now around 6:30 pm everyone arrived except for one person Tamara thought. Tim, he's the only one who wasn't there. Tamara looked for him everywhere, but as Lucy didn't invite him he wouldn't be there. Tamara was upset, two of the most important people in her life were fighting, one of the most important people in her life was missing in this special moment. Before Tamara knew it she was sat in her car on her way to Tim's, it was like an auto-pilot. When she got there she was hesitating to get out of her car, lucky for her Tim was at home and saw the           un-owned car on his driveway, he stood at his curtain inspecting it from a distance. He saw her sitting and just went up to her car, he knocked on her window and waved at her. Tamara opened her window and looked at him.

T: Hey
Ta: I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-

Tamara got interupted by Tim, he heard the pain in her voice. The pain she had, Tim's heart shattered.

T: It's okay Tam, come we'll go inside.

Tamara closed her car-window and got out of her car following Tim into his house. The house she had a room at when Lucy went undercover, The house she would drive up to to take Kojo on a walk when Tim couldn't... so many memories came back up.

T: I heard your message.
Ta: You did?
T: Yes, yes I did.
Ta: Why didn't you come?
T: Uh, I figured that I was the least person Lucy would want to see, and I didn't want to ruin your evening.
Ta: It's okay...
T: Hey, I know that Lucy and I broke up. But that doesn't change the fact that you'll always have a room here.
Ta: Thanks...
T: You're welcome, I mean it. Come here.

Tim opened his arms in gesture to Tamara that it was okay to hug him, she always knew that Tim wasn't a hugger but he made an exception or two for Tamara. She hugged him tight, crying into his shoulder. Tim brushed with his fingers through her hair like always did with Lucy and placed a kiss on her head. When they broke away Tamara wiped away her tears and excused herself for Tim's now wet T-shirt.

Ta: Thanks, for everything.
T: You're welcome, text me if you need ANYthing, I'll be there.
Ta: I know you will, you're just a big softie.
T: Did Lucy tell you?!
Ta: She always does.

They laughed and said their goodbyes. After this Tamara left and went back to her get-away party.


This was the first one so far! I hope you liked it! 
Lots of love

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