Fuck off

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Hey guys! This is a story about the dynamic between Tamara and Tim about the fact that Tim acts like Tamaras's father, although she never asked. Also, in this story, Tim, Lucy, and Tamara live in a house where Tamaras bedroom window is next to a tree.
I hope you like it!


Normal pov:

It was a late evening when Tamara came back into her room after sneaking out of the house without Tim or Lucy knowing. She tried to be as quiet as she could. When she finally got into her room, she saw a tall, muscular figure sitting on her chair. Tim

T: Sneaking out on a school night? Where were you?
Ta: A friend's house.
T: Where there boys?
Ta: What if there were? What does that matter?

Tamara was getting annoyed by Tim and his questions but yet Tim went further into the conversation.

T: Because you are not allowed to date.
Ta: Gosh, who cares?!
T: I do because I care about you!

Now, their conversation was with a little more yelling.

Ta: Stop being so protective! You are NOT my father! My father DIED!

Tim was really hurt by this, and you could hear it in his way of yelling.

T: Tamara! Stop it!
Ta: Why?! Why would I?! I never asked you to be my father anyway!

Now Lucy woke up by their yelling and came to the room getting concerned about the two.

L: What is happening here?
Ta: Tim is trying to tell me what to do and what not to do!
L: Stop yelling the neighbors will call the station.

Only now Lucy saw Tim sitting in the chair trying to hold back his tears.

L: Tim, babe? Are you okay?
T: Yeah.

Tim was hurt, the one he thought was like a kid to him just back stabbed him as it was nothing.

L: Tim, can you leave us for a moment, please?

Tim stood up and left the room for the two females to talk.

L: First of all, where were you? I was concerned, and so was Tim.
Ta: I was at a friend's! Now happy? Now relieved?
L: No! You're grounded. You may not be my kid, but you are still 16!

Lucy left the room until she heard Tamara slamming her door shut.

L: And lastly, you don't yell at us like that!

After this, Lucy went to check up on Tim, and they went to bed


I hope you liked it! I didn't have a lot of inspiration, so it's short. Sorry!

Suggestions are open!

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