Kicked out

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Hey guys! This is a story where Tamara had a big fight with the friends from where she stayed (season 6). Also, Tim and Lucy aren't dating anymore, and Celina had moved in with Lucy.
I hope you like it!

Lots of love


Normal pov:

It was a late rainy evening but yet there she stood. On the streets with her phone in her hand shaking from what had happened. A storm of anger and misunderstanding couldn't leave her body. What was she supposed to do now? She couldn't decide what to do go to her best friend she had known for years or go to Tim's place with an extra room she knew she could use. She couldn't let Lucy kick out Celina or betray Lucy by going to Tim's.

She grabbed her bag and swung it over her shoulder she was walking to Tim's she couldn't decide if this was the best thing to do or not... yet there she stood at his front step with tears streaming down her cheeks every step she took the more she doubted if it was the right choice. She rang the bell and was greeted by the blond haired tall man.

T: Hey Tam, what are you doing here?

He asked, not noticing that she had cried. He inspected her state and saw the tears.

T: Hey, what happened?
Ta: Uhm... I got kicked out...

Tamara said, almost unable for Tim to hear her. Tim's face softened, wanting to pull her in for a hug, but he saw that she was soaking wet.

T: Here come in, you can stay in the guest room.

He got out of the doorway to let Tamara in and helped her with her bags.

After a few, Tamara was set into the guest room, and she took a warm shower in her bathroom after the hour long shower she got out and put on some comfy clothes. She went back to the living room where Tim was sitting on the couch. He looked up as he heard the bathroom door and looked at her.

T: Do you want to talk about it?

Tamara nodded and told him what had happened.

T: Does Lucy know you're here?
Ta: No, I don't want her to...

Tim looked at her confused.

T: Why wouldn't you tell her?
Ta: Because she'll kick out Celina. She needs a place to stay.

Tim nodded at her in understandingly.
Tamara stood up to go back to her room and turned back to him.

Ta: Thank you for letting me stay.
T:  That's the least I can do, okay?
Ta: Good night.
T: Night.

Tamara turned back around and walked through the white door that led to her room.

When she was gone, Tim sighed. He felt guilty for not telling Lucy about it, but he also couldn't betray Tamaras trust...
He decided to let it rest and went to his room himself.

Normal pov:
One week after:

Tamara was still staying at Tim's. She hadn't told anyone that she was staying at his not even Lucy, and that may lead to the fight Tim and Lucy had today.

Tim's pov:

This morning, when I got to the station, I was greeted by John warning me, saying: "Morning, I just wanted to tell you that Lucy isn't happy with you.". That was weird, well not totally weird as Lucy isn't happy about the breakup, but this was odd. I decided not to let it bother me, but right after roll call, she confronted me

L: Why didn't you tell me?!
T: Tell you what?

I absolutely had no idea why she was mad.

L: You know damn well what I'm talking about!
T: No, I absolutely don't.
L: Tamara is staying with you?

Normal pov:

Oh, that's what this is about.

T: Yes, she is. What's wrong with that?
L: Nothing, but you didn't think that I would like to know that?!

She had a point, Tim thought about the convo with Tamara one week earlier.
"Does Lucy know you're here? No, I don't want her to..."

T: She asked me not to tell you, and I respect her wishes.
L: What? Why?
T: She didn't want you to kick out Celina.

Lucy's pov:

"If you need a place to stay, call me and I'll kick Celina out. Like in a heart beat."

That's why she didn't want me to know...
"Oh..." was all I could let out.

T: Lucy are you okay?
L: Mhm, uhh I need to go.

I walked away without any other explanation and then I saw John.

J: How did it go with Tim?
L: It was alright...
J: Are you sure?
L: Yes, John.

That came a little more harsh than expected.

Normal pov:

So apparently someone had told Lucy but who? Tim didn't tell anyone neither did Tamara. Tim decided to ask Tamara at home when it had calmed itself. But first Tim had to talk to Lucy, so that's what he did. After searching for her he found her at her desk.

T: Can I talk to you?
L: Sure...
T: So apparently Tamara had a fight with her friends and they ended up kicking her out, so she came to me because she didn't want you to kick out Celina.
L: That's still not a reason to not tell me.
T: I know, but I did what she wanted.
L: You did.
T: Hey, are you okay?

Lucy's anger was formed into sadness it hurt her that Tamara chose someone else over her...

L: I don't know, Tim. This one really hurt. I thought she knew that she was always welcome with me...
T: she does, really she does, but she tried to give someone else that same home she had.
L: And that's generous of her, but she didn't have to do that.

Lucy thought for a bit. They finished their talk and went on with their shift. After shift Tim went home and was greeted by the smell of lasagne and Tamara setting up the table.

T: Hey.
Ta: Hey, how was work?
T: About that... uh, Lucy knows.
Ta: What?! How?!
T: I don't know, sorry but I do know that Lucy was sad about it and I think you should visit her...
Ta: I don't know Tim...
T: I'll give you time to think about it okay, but now my stomach is killing me.

They laughed and then had dinner


This was it for today! I hope you liked it!
Any tips and suggestions are welcome!

Lots of love
Iluna <3

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