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Since she was a child, So-Yun faced the burden of a heart disease that marked her life of frequent moves.  This condition denied her not only the ability to perform physical activities, but also to establish roots and build friendships.  However, a spark of hope envelops her as she prepares for a new beginning, convinced that this time something will change.

My name is So-Yun, a name that means "lucky charm" in Korean.  He's funny, right?  Even so, I'm not sure how much luck my life has brought to me and my parents.  But today is different, today is my first day at the new school.

I'm nervous, anxious about making friends.  Maybe it's better not to think about it now, I'm going to prepare to face this new chapter in my life.  I hope luck smiles on me today.

So-Yun, with a mixture of emotion and anxiety, headed towards the elevator, aware that that day would mark a new beginning.  In the kitchen, So-Yun's mother greeted her with a warm smile.

So-Yun's mother: - Good morning, darling.  Are you ready for your first day?  she-she said kindly.

So-Yun greeted her parents with a kiss on the cheek, confessing her anxiety about her.  So-Yun's father tried to reassure her and sitting down at the table, So-Yun faced her breakfast moment with a mixture of hope and fear.

After finishing breakfast, So-Yun said goodbye to her parents, heading towards school.  In the large building, she navigated through unfamiliar hallways, but her determination prevailed when she finally found the classroom.

With a deep breath, she So-Yun knocked on the door.  The professor welcomed her warmly, introducing her to her class.  Her classmates welcomed her in unison, and the teacher showed a very nice-looking girl a free seat next to her.

So-Yun nodded and headed towards her new classmate, Ye-Won.
Ye-won: - hi, I'm ye-won -

she said holding out her hand which so-yun shook
So-yun: - hello - she smiled at Ye-Won, feeling welcome in that new environment.  As the school day continued, So-Yun struggled to overcome her initial anxiety by trying to make friends with her new classmates.

During lunch break, Ye-Won introduced her to the others, and slowly, she So-Yun began to feel part of that group.  Laughter and conversations echoed throughout the schoolyard, creating a harmony that So-Yun had never known before.

The barriers of loneliness were crumbling, making way for a new page in So-Yun's life.  Her heart disease may have prevented her from doing many things, but she was now breaking down walls that kept her from settling in.

With Ye-Won by her side, So-Yun began to believe that her name could finally bring good luck, not only to her but also to those she now called friends.  And so, the first day at the new school marked the beginning of a new story for So-Yun, a melody of friendship and hope that would continue to grow.

red thread of destiny 🇬🇧Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora