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As the days passed, So-yun's interest in Jaehyun grew more and more.

One day, during a break between classes, So-yun approached Jaehyun.  “Hi Jaehyun,” she said with a shy smile.

Jaehyun looked at her with those dark eyes and smiled.  "Hi So-yun, how are you?"

"It's fine," she replied, trying to hide the agitation she felt in her presence.  "I was wondering if maybe you wanted to get coffee after school. We could get to know each other better."

Jaehyun seemed surprised by the invitation, but accepted.  "I would like."

That afternoon, So-yun and Jaehyun met at the neighborhood cafe.  As they sipped their hot drinks, they began to talk.  Jaehyun turned out to be a charming and intelligent boy, with an interest in history and theater that So-yun found fascinating.

But the more So-yun tried to find out more about Jaehyun, the more it seemed like he was hiding her true thoughts behind a smile.  There was something about him that So-yun couldn't quite put her finger on, and that intrigued her even more.

When she So-yun returned home, suddenly the feeling of lack of air and her irregular heartbeat made her collapse to the floor in panic, while she tried to call her mother.  Then, she woke up confused in a hospital room, at which point the doctor began to speak.

"So-yun," the doctor said in a serious tone, "we are concerned about your health. Your heart is starting to fail, and we will have to take drastic measures to try to improve the situation."  She paused then she started talking again you will have to be hospitalized.

So-yun was petrified by the doctor's words, unable to accept the reality of what was happening.  About her She felt the world collapse around her as she tried to process the devastating news.

Left alone in the hospital room, So-yun burst into tears feeling helpless in the face of the disease that threatened her life.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 15 ⏰

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