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So-yun sat down in her seat in the classroom, her usual seat by the window where she could observe the schoolyard.  It was a sunny day, but there was something different in the air.

As the teacher began to talk about the Joseon Dynasty, the classroom door slowly opened.  A tall, handsome boy entered, exuding an aura of mystery.  His black hair fell lightly across his forehead, and his dark eyes scanned the room with disinterest.

So-yun looked at him curiously about this newcomer.  His name was Jaehyun, the teacher said as she introduced him to the class.  Not much was known about him, only that he was new to the school and had moved from a distant town.

Jaehyun sat in the seat behind So-yun, and even though he had just arrived he already seemed comfortable with him.  During the break, So-yun shyly approached him.

"My name is So-yun," she said, smiling nervously.

“Jaehyun,” he replied with a smile.

At that moment, So-yun felt a strange connection with him, as if there was something special between them.  But what could it be?  It was only their first day of school together, yet So-yun couldn't get Jaehyun out of her head.

The rest of the school day passed quickly by the end of the day Ye-Won invited So-Yun to her house to get to know each other better.
So-yun headed towards Ye-won's house with the excitement of sharing the day's news with her dear friend.  When Ye-won opened the door for her with a warm smile, she So-yun couldn't help but feel welcomed and comforted.

After settling in comfortably, the two girls started talking about everything, exchanging funny stories and gossip about school.  But the conversation soon turned to Jaehyun, the mysterious newcomer who had captured everyone's attention.

-Jaehyun seems really interesting, doesn't he?- Ye-won said, observing So-yun's expression with curiosity.

So-yun smiled and a light blush colored her cheeks.  -Yes, it's true.  There's something fascinating about him, and I can't get him out of my head.-

Ye-won nodded, noticing how Jaehyun seemed to spark a special interest in So-yun.  -I noticed that you are particularly interested in him.  What do you think of Jaehyun?-

So-yun hesitated for a moment, searching for the right words.  -I don't know... it's just that... there's something about him that attracts me.  It's like there's some sort of connection, even though we just met.-

Ye-won smiled sympathetically.  -I understand.  It's normal to be curious about someone new and mysterious.  But remember not to get too carried away by your fantasies, you might be disappointed.-

So-yun nodded, taking her friend's advice to heart.  -You are right.  But I can't help but feel that there is something special about Jaehyun.-

With that, the two girls continued to talk about Jaehyun and their theories about him, imagining what the mysterious boy might be hiding.

red thread of destiny 🇬🇧Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora