chap 8

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Nobody pov-

Babe smiles as Charlie kissed him it seems Charlie calm him Down and Charlie said " calm down babe " he pat babe hair

And babe calms down and he then kiss Charlie on the lips and they look at each other eyes

And Charlie said " what happen either way" babe pointed at the car and Charlie went to it and it seems to be having missing parts

Charlie said " babe I think I know what missing " babe look at his boyfriend with his eyebrow up and Charlie asked babe for a piece of paper and then he write the paper

And the parts that need to be on the car and Jeff look at it and he nods in confirmation

Him and Charlie knows some things about cars and then Charlie Gave it to babe and said " can u buy these and me and Jeff will fix ur car my love"

Babe look at the paper and nod at his fiance and he then went to not his race car but his regular car

And he went to the store and Jeff said " who could have do this either way someone wanted ur fiance to be in the hospital Charlie "

Charlie sighs and said " should we check the cameras " Jeff nodded and said " sonic and north ur coming with us"

The two nodded at Jeff and they went to the camera room and saw that Tony men's are taking babe parts away

Charlie bang his hand on the table and said " damn it why does he always have to do this when he ain't did shit to him"

Jeff saw that Charlie is mad and he said " Charlie we can't do anything about it and u know that we tried everything but we didn't win nor lose and u know that"

Charlie sighs and nod at Jeff and he tried to calm down but he couldn't he was getting more piss off but he then saw that babe is back

And babe saw how angry Charlie is and babe went to hug Charlie and Charlie hug back And babe said " why are u so mad baby what happen while I was gone did sonic and north tease u again"

Babe glares at sonic and north and they both had chill behind their back and Charlie shake his head no and said " no they didn't don't be mad at them babe"

Babe nods and said " then what is it baby why are u so piss " Charlie then sighs

And said " it because Tony men's was the one who did ur car wrong and I wanna hurt them but I know my place"

Jeff was about to say something but Charlie glare at him for him to shut up and Jeff nod his head and he shut up

Just then Charlie was so mad that he wanted to sleep and he did and babe sat him down on the couch that was in their garage and Jeff cross his arms and said " atleast he asleep but what do we do since tony will get us again"

Babe then think and think and said " yeah we should think about this it very bad if we leave it like the other times we left this alone"

Jeff nod and they look at the sleeping boy who sleeping on the couch while way got the blanket and he put it on Charlie and

He surprised that the noise in the garage is that Charlie Is still asleep and but atleast it didn't make any sound and that he sleeping peacefully and good which all of them wish they got a good sleep

Babe pov-

Since my fiance is sleeping I then went to my car and Jeff fixed it and I gave it a run and

It work and I then drive around in the track and I practice until it was sunset and I then put the car back

And I then pick up Charlie and sat him down on the passenger seat while I was In a driver seat and I drove us to the apartment and then I carried him to our room and I sat him down and I bent down and I kiss his forehead

And he smiles in his sleep and he adorable when he sleep I love him so much

He was sleeping like a baby and I then read my book and after I was done I then cuddle Charlie and I slept with him and we slept until morning

And I woke up with him being gone and I heard the shower running and I see that he got out and I grab his chin and i kiss him and he smiles and kiss back and me and him love each other so much 🫶🏻

Charlie pov-

I woke up and I saw that babe arms was wrap around me and he was still asleep and I carefully got out of the bed

And I got the clothes and then i took a shower I wash my hair and my body and I rinse myself off and I then got out of the shower

And then I use the towel to dry myself off and I then got dress and I then use the hairdryer

And I dried my hair and I brush my hair and I smile and I got out and I see that babe is awake

He then kiss my cheek and he got in the bathroom while I went to make breakfast

Because he will be going to work again and I want to give him love and support before he go

In two days it's his race and I will be voting for him

I then got done with breakfast and I see my fiance got out the room and he kiss my lips and hug me from behind while I smiled at him

He's the most kindest person ever and I then kiss back and we kept kissing for a couple of minutes and then we ate breakfast

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