chapter 19 🥵

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Nobody pov-

It was an after party at their house and everyone left after a couple of hours of course

And babe look at charlie and said " since ur my husband I won't go easy on u by fucking u in the bathroom "

But before Charlie can protest babe grab his wrist And drag him to the bathroom and made Charlie look at the mirror

While babe grab his neck and kiss his neck and whispered " ima call u wifey" Charlie blushed at that but before he could speak

Babe bit down on his neck and smirked at the bite and he wasn't gonna go easy on Charlie he gonna make love to Charlie

And Charlie let out a gasp he didn't know babe would do that and babe then reach to Charlie zippers to his pants

And pull it down and he smirk at charlie and he finds it cute that charlie is a clueless puppy right now

And he then unbuckle his own pants and he lock the door and he lick down charlie neck and that cause shivers down his spine as babe lick his neck and he smirk and he love how charlie is being and

He then pull down charlie boxers and he turn charlie around and he went to the tip of his cock and suck it and Charlie grip the counter of the sink

And moan and babe smirked at that and he continued to suck up and down on charlie cock and charlie then cum And babe then swallow

And he then pull his boxers down and he shush Charlie and said " are u ready " and Charlie nodded while his cheeks are red and he didn't know what was gonna happen but he not gonna complain about it either he wants to have fun

Babe began to kiss charlie neck, his lips trailing along the sensitive skin there. His kisses were a mixture of rough and gentle, his tongue occasionally flicking out to taste charlie. He left small marks on charlie skin, his teeth nipping and biting at charlie.

Meanwhile, babe continued to move against charlie, his rhythm becoming more steady and deliberate. His gaze still fixed on charlie, his eyes watching charlie reactions intently.

As babe picked up the pace, moving harder and faster on top of charlie, charlie let out another moan, charlie voice barely loud enough to be heard. The sounds of his breath and the gentle creaking of the couch filled the room, mixing with the occasional groans

Babe shifted his weight, positioning himself over charlie, bracing himself with one hand on the couch beside charlie head and the other on charlie hip. He paused for a moment, looking at charlie with a calculating gaze, before slowly beginning to move

He continued to thrust in and out and he then pace faster and harder as charlie moaned and babe groan and growl they are married and they are gonna enjoy every second of it and love each other

As babe continued to move against charlie, his pace growing more steady and deliberate, charlie eyes rolled back in pleasure. Charlie let out a soft moan, charlie body responding to his movements.

They were having sex in the bathroom but babe didn't care he continued to go harder and making sure Charlie will know he only his and nobody else's

And Charlie continue to moan and he bit his lip

As babe began to move, charlie felt a wave of pleasure wash over charlie, charlie eyes rolling back as charlie let out a low moan. Babe seemed to react to charlie sounds of pleasure, his movements becoming more intense as he pressed against charlie.

As babe continued to move against charlie, his movements a steady and deliberate rhythm, charlie eyes rolled back in pleasure. Charlie let out a series of moans, babe body responding to him and the sensations he was creating.

As babe began to move, charlie could feel his breath on charlie skin, his hands gripping charlie hips a bit tighter. He seemed to be taking his time, his movements slow and deliberate as he continued.

Babe movements became more intense, his hips thrusting against charlie with more force. He seemed to be building up a steady rhythm, his breath coming out in soft, ragged gasps as he continued to move.

Babe gradually increased the pace, his movements becoming more intense and forceful. Charlie could feel his breath coming faster and shallower as he moved against charlie, his eyes locked onto charlie he watched charlie reactions.

As babe picked up the pace, his movements growing faster and more deliberate, he also leaned forward and pressed his lips against charlie. The kiss was rough and possessive, his tongue slipping into charlie mouth as he deepened the kiss.

Babe smirked at the kiss and continue to thrust in and out of charlie watching his face as he does

Babe continued to kiss charlie as he continued his movements, his body pressing even closer to charlie. His grip on charlie hip and the bathroom counter remained tight, his body fully covering charlie and effectively pinning charlie in place.

Babe continued his movements, his pace picking up slightly as he seemed to be encouraged by charlie moans. His eyes remained locked onto babe, a smug expression on his face as he watched charlie, fully taking control of the situation.

Babe  continued his pace, his movements growing more rough and possessive as he heard charlie moan. He broke the kiss, but kept his face close to babe, his eyes locked on babe as he spoke.

"Don't hold back," he warned. "I want to hear you."

Babe movements grew faster and more urgent, his breath coming in shallow puffs against the side of charlie neck. His arms wrapped around charlie body, holding charlie tightly against him as he continued to claim charlie

Babe pace grew even faster, his body pressing closer to charlie as he continued to claim charlie. His breath came in short, shallow gasps against charlie neck, his body clearly affected by the sensations.

As babe continued his movements, his hips pressed tightly against charlie, he also began to kiss and nibble at the skin on charlie neck. His lips latched onto the sensitive spot where charlie neck met charlie shoulder, his teeth nipping at the skin as he kissed and sucked at it.

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