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Friday 8/30/24

Well My dad texted me this and he said "I called the school. We will have to wait until Wednesday or Thursday to go. They said I needed to make an appointment to speak to one of the guidance counselors. She is not there today, so I have to call Tuesday to make the appointment. So, we made some progress, but this stuff takes time. Love you."

He's the best and he knows that I don't wanna be home school even if he tired of me saying something about the school so it's progress I just hope it happens

I'm praying and I will continue to pray can yall pray I get in to I want my dreams to come true this is what I wish for on my birthday that was On march 17

I wished to come back to school one day and I hope it comes true sometimes wishes don't come true and sometimes it does but all I need to is pray

And hope they let me in because i wanna social with people I'm in 11th grade I need a life I need to be in school that can actually teach me bc homeschool is confusing

I texted dad " do they aloud new students " and he said " it seems they do it's alot of process tho"

Ughhh being in 11th can be hard but I guess I have to be patient so since I have to be patient I can start On my school supplies

Plus I have to babysit kids on Monday I wanna go to sleep and wait for Tuesday but seems like I can't do that but maybe I have babysitting I prayed I do and I will continue to pray plus them kids are knuckle heads but I love them

Even tho they argue and get On my damn nerves they are my cousins and I always stop them

Even tho I can't even stop the argument me and my brother have always argue since he hits 13 I dont know the word I kinda forgot but anyway we used to play video games

With each other but he grew up and I don't really play videos games but I will play Skyrim later

I'm at level 9 and I want to try to be at level 10 or 12 today so I'm praying I get it so yeah I will pray

I wish we didn't grow up but people grow and I need to understand that my brother won't be nice any time soon I hope he learns to

For a teenage boy he has alot of attitude he do needs to tone it down so yeah I won't deal with him alot anymore

I dont have favorites cousins or best friends or anyone I love everyone equally

I am born to be nice not mean or rude unless people piss me off and it can happen when people piss me off so i hope people will understand that I'm nice and kind

Saturday 8/31/24

Today I woke up at 7 am to take the dog out and then I did and she keeps barking at the cats

But she used the bathroom and then I fed the 2 kitten and 3 Cats and 1 dog we have

We also have 1 gecko and 4 fishes and I love them I made sure they are fed and well taken care of

Like always and then my eyes were tired and I went to sleep I had a nightmare that I thought it was real life

But it scared me but I woke up at 10 am to take the dog out again and then do all the things I do

On my schedule and  I went to Walmart with my dad and then dollar tree with my mom and dad and I got a pencil box in the Walmart

And they scam us it cost 10 dollars when it said 5 dollars so expensive 😒 but it whatever I love it and it the same pencil box my older sister has

I'm the middle child but I am a kind person then some people but who knows alot of people are nice in their own ways but I got to pray 🙏🏼 I don't want it to fall apart

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